Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers
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Die Datenbank enthält ausschließlich englischsprachige Volltexte von ca. 400 Zeitungen aus allen US-amerikanischen Bundesstaaten und Territorien des Erscheinungszeitraums zwischen 1800 und 1900 und umfasst ca. 1,5 Mio Seiten. Die Digitalisierung beruht auf Beständen der Library of Congress, der Wisconsin Historical Society, der South Carolina Library, der Western Reserve Historical Society, den Scholarly Resources Archives, der Historical Society of Pennsylvania und dem Maryland State Archive.
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- Milwaukie Daily Sentinel  565
- New York herald (New York, N.Y. : 1840)  364
- Cleveland herald (Cleveland, Ohio : 1843 : Daily)  309
- Boston daily Atlas (Boston, Mass. : 1844)  307
- The North American and Daily Advertiser  250
- Mississippi free trader and Natchez gazette (Natchez, Miss. : 1843)  149
- Raleigh register, and North-Carolina gazette (Raleigh, N.C. : 1825 : Semiweekly)  103
- North American (Philadelphia, Pa. : 1845)  60
- Boston investigator (Boston, Mass. : 1831)  53
- Ohio observer (Hudson, Ohio : 1840)  53
- Scioto gazette (Chillicothe, Ohio : 1827)  53
- Vermont Chronicle  53
- Fayetteville observer (Fayetteville, N.C. : 1833)  52
- Liberator (Boston, Mass. : 1831)  52
- New-Hampshire Statesman and State Journal  52
- Greenville mountaineer (Greenville, S.C. : 1830)  50
- The Weekly Raleigh Register, and North Carolina Gazette  46
- Emancipator and Weekly Chronicle  41
- The Weekly Nashville Union  39
- Weekly Ohio Statesman  39
- South Carolina Temperance Advocate and Register of Agriculture and General Literature  37
- Dover Gazette & Strafford Advertiser  31
- Weekly herald (New York, N.Y. : 1836)  31
- Mississippian (Clinton, Miss.)  29
- Semi-weekly Ohio statesman (Columbus, Ohio : 1852)  27
- Raymond gazette (Raymond, Miss. : 1845)  24
- Pensacola gazette (Pensacola, Fla. : 1830)  21
- Vermont Watchman and State Journal  16
- Boston courier (Boston, Mass. : 1824)  15
- Emancipator (New York, N.Y. : 1833)  13
- Arkansas state gazette (Little Rock, Ark. : 1836)  12
- Vermont patriot (Montpelier, Vt. : 1839)  11
- Floridian (Tallahassee, Fla. : 1831)  6
- La Porte County Whig (La Porte, Ind. : 1843)  5
- Sentinel and witness (Middletown, Conn. : 1833)  3
- Boston daily advertiser (Boston, Mass. : 1836)  2
- Milwaukie Weekly Sentinel  2
- New-York herald (New York, N.Y. : 1802)  1
- The Semi-Weekly Natchez Courier  1
- Western Ranger  1
- Milwaukee, Wisconsin  567
- Boston, Massachusetts  470
- New York, New York  409
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  310
- Cleveland, Ohio  309
- Natchez, Mississippi  150
- Raleigh, North Carolina  149
- Columbus, Ohio  66
- Chillicothe, Ohio  53
- Hudson, Ohio  53
- Saint Johnsbury, Vermont  53
- Concord, New Hampshire  52
- Fayetteville, North Carolina  52
- Greenville, South Carolina  50
- Nashville, Tennessee  39
- Camden, South Carolina  37
- Dover, New Hampshire  31
- Jackson, Mississippi  29
- Montpelier, Vermont  27
- Raymond, Mississippi  24
- Pensacola, Florida  21
- Little Rock, Arkansas  12
- Tallahassee, Florida  6
- La Porte, Indiana  5
- Middletown, Connecticut  3
- Valparaiso, Indiana  1
- David M. Keeler  565
- James Gordon Bennett  395
- J.A. Harris  309
- Wm. Hayden & Thos. M. Brewer  307
- Brace & Newbold  250
- T.A.S. Doniphan  149
- Joseph Gales & Son  103
- G.R. Graham, A. Cummings  60
- Charles Aiken  53
- E.C. Tracy  53
- J. Bailhache  53
- J.Q. Adams  53
- Edward J. Hale  52
- M'Farland & Ela  52
- W.L. Garrison & I. Knapp  52
- O.H. Wells  50
- Weston R. Gales  46
- Leavitt & Alden  41
- John P. Heiss  39
- S. Medary & Bros.  39
- I.C. Morgan  37
- James Dickman  31
- R.P. Catlett  29
- S. Medary  27
- Sam T. King  24
- Blount & Aitken  21
- E.P. Walton & Son  16
- Joseph T. Buckingham  15
- Charles W. Denison  13
- W.E. Woodruff and T.J. Pew  12
- J.T. Marston and G.W. Barker  11
- Wm. Wilson  6
- T.A. Stewart  5
- W.D. Starr  3
- Fillmore & Downer  2
- Nathan Hale  2
- M. Burnham  1
- M.N. Prewett  1
- W.M. Harrison  1