Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers
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Die Datenbank enthält ausschließlich englischsprachige Volltexte von ca. 400 Zeitungen aus allen US-amerikanischen Bundesstaaten und Territorien des Erscheinungszeitraums zwischen 1800 und 1900 und umfasst ca. 1,5 Mio Seiten. Die Digitalisierung beruht auf Beständen der Library of Congress, der Wisconsin Historical Society, der South Carolina Library, der Western Reserve Historical Society, den Scholarly Resources Archives, der Historical Society of Pennsylvania und dem Maryland State Archive.
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- Milwaukee sentinel (Milwaukee, Wis. : 1883)  672
- Macon telegraph (Macon, Ga. : 1885)  365
- Morning Oregonian (Portland, Or. : 1861)  364
- The Denver Evening Post  344
- News and observer (Raleigh, N.C. : 1880 : Daily)  322
- Bangor Daily Whig & Courier  314
- The Emporia Daily Gazette  314
- Boston daily advertiser (Boston, Mass. : 1836)  313
- North American (Philadelphia, Pa. : 1876)  313
- Bismarck Daily Tribune  310
- Milwaukee journal (Milwaukee, Wis. : 1850)  310
- Fayetteville observer (Fayetteville, N.C. : 1896)  309
- Atchison daily globe (Atchison, Kan. : 1884)  308
- The Daily Mining Record  303
- Daily picayune (New Orleans, La. : 1837)  273
- Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, Ark. : Daily)  157
- Arkansas gazette (Little Rock, Ark. : 1889)  152
- Weekly Rocky Mountain news (Denver, Colo. : 1872)  144
- Hawaiian gazette (Honolulu, Hawaii)  104
- Salt Lake Semi-Weekly Tribune  104
- The Weekly News and Courier  89
- Irish World and American Industrial Liberator  53
- Wisconsin state register (Portage, Wis. : 1861)  53
- Fayetteville observer (Fayetteville, N.C. : 1887)  52
- Indiana State journal (Indianapolis, Ind. : 1875)  52
- Owyhee avalanche (Ruby City, Idaho)  52
- Phoenix Weekly Herald  52
- The Butte Weekly Miner  52
- The Emporia Weekly Gazette  52
- Southwestern Christian Advocate  51
- Commercial appeal (Memphis, Tenn.)  47
- Labor advocate (Birmingham, Ala.)  47
- The Union Signal; a Journal of Social Welfare  34
- Weekly register-call (Central City, Colo. : 1878)  27
- Vermont watchman (Montpelier, Vt. : 1883)  22
- The Leavenworth Herald  16
- The Dyea Trail  4
- Evening post (New York, N.Y. : 1832)  3
- The Lafayette Sunday Leader  3
- Greenville mountaineer (Greenville, S.C. : 1866)  2
- The Caldwell Record  2
- The Dyea Press  2
- Afro-American (Baltimore, Md. : 1892)  1
- Boston courier (Boston, Mass. : 1824)  1
- Chicago journal (Chicago, Ill. : 1896)  1
- Rocky Mountain news (Denver, Colo. : 1879)  1
- The Caldwell Tribune  1
- Milwaukee, Wisconsin  982
- Denver, Colorado  792
- Emporia, Kansas  366
- Macon, Georgia  365
- Portland, Oregon  364
- Fayetteville, North Carolina  361
- New Orleans, Louisiana  324
- Raleigh, North Carolina  322
- Bangor, Maine  314
- Boston, Massachusetts  314
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  313
- Bismarck, North Dakota  310
- Little Rock, Arkansas  309
- Atchison, Kansas  308
- Honolulu, Hawaii  104
- Salt Lake City, Utah  104
- Charleston, South Carolina  89
- ,   87
- Portage, Wisconsin  53
- Butte, Montana  52
- Indianapolis, Indiana  52
- Phoenix, Arizona  52
- Silver City, Idaho  52
- Birmingham, Alabama  47
- Memphis, Tennessee  47
- Central City, Colorado  27
- Montpelier, Vermont  22
- Leavenworth, Kansas  16
- Dyea, Alaska_dDyea  6
- Caldwell, Idaho  3
- Lafayette, Indiana  3
- New York, New York  3
- Greenville, South Carolina  2
- Baltimore, Maryland_dBaltimore  1
- Chicago, Illinois  1
- Sentinel Co.  672
- Telegraph and Messenger Pub. Co.  365
- H.L. Pittock  364
- Post Print. & Pub. Co.  344
- Ashe, Gatling & Co.  322
- Graham, Lincoln & Co.  314
- Wm. E.P. Rogers  314
- M. McMichael  313
- Nathan Hale  313
- Journal Co.  310
- Lounsberry & Jewell  310
- E.J. Hale, Jr.  309
- Howe & Co.  308
- Reinert Bros.  303
- F.A. Lumsden & G.W. Kendall  273
- J.N. Smithee & Co.  157
- Gazette Print. Co.  152
- Wm. N. Byers  144
- Published ... by J.H. Black at the Govt. Print. Off.  104
- Tribune Pub. Co.  104
- The News and Courier Co.  89
- Irish World and American Industrial Liberator  53
- S.S. Brannan  53
- G.H. Haigh  52
- Indianapolis Journal Co.  52
- Miner Pub. Co.  52
- N. A. Morford  52
- Wasson & Co.  52
- Wm. A. White  52
- Nelson & Phillips  51
- Commercial Pub. Co.  47
- Jere Dennis  47
- National Woman's Christian Temperance Union.  34
- Laird & Marlow  27
- W.W. Prescott  22
- Herald Pub. Co.  16
- Trail Print. Co.  4
- Ross Gordon, Chas. F. Williams  3
- [s.n.]  3
- E.C. Russell  2
- G.E. Elford  2
- Steunenberg Print Co.  2
- Afro-American Co.  1
- Evening Press Co.  1
- Joseph T. Buckingham  1
- Rocky Mountain News Print. Co.  1
- W.J. Cuddy  1