Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers
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Die Datenbank enthält ausschließlich englischsprachige Volltexte von ca. 400 Zeitungen aus allen US-amerikanischen Bundesstaaten und Territorien des Erscheinungszeitraums zwischen 1800 und 1900 und umfasst ca. 1,5 Mio Seiten. Die Digitalisierung beruht auf Beständen der Library of Congress, der Wisconsin Historical Society, der South Carolina Library, der Western Reserve Historical Society, den Scholarly Resources Archives, der Historical Society of Pennsylvania und dem Maryland State Archive.
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- North American and United States gazette (Philadelphia, Pa. : Daily)  312
- Boston daily advertiser (Boston, Mass. : Weekly)  307
- Bangor Daily Whig & Courier  306
- Lowell Daily Citizen and News  305
- Daily evening bulletin (San Francisco, Calif. : 1855)  304
- Daily Cleveland herald (Cleveland, Ohio : 1853)  303
- Daily morning news (Savannah, Ga. : 1850)  292
- New York herald (New York, N.Y. : 1840)  285
- Milwaukee daily sentinel (Milwaukee, Wis. : 1851)  175
- Daily telegraph (Omaha City, Neb.)  113
- Fayetteville observer (Fayetteville, N.C. : Semiweekly)  102
- Daily register (Raleigh, N.C. : Daily)  101
- Milwaukee Morning Sentinel  83
- Vermont Chronicle  53
- Boston investigator (Boston, Mass. : 1831)  52
- Fayetteville observer (Fayetteville, N.C. : 1833)  52
- Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper  52
- Liberator (Boston, Mass. : 1831)  52
- New Hampshire statesman (Concord, N.H. : 1847)  52
- Newark advocate (Newark, Ohio : 1837)  52
- Scioto gazette (Chillicothe, Ohio : 1827)  52
- Freedom's Champion  51
- The Weekly Raleigh Register  51
- Ripley bee (Ripley, Ohio : 1848)  47
- Wisconsin state register (Portage, Wis. : 1861)  42
- Daily picayune (New Orleans, La. : 1837)  26
- Weekly Mississippian (Jackson, Miss. : 1859)  20
- New York herald (New York, N.Y. : California ed.)  17
- Virginia free press (Charles Town, W. Va.)  17
- The Natchez Weekly Courier  14
- The Weekly Dakotian  13
- Evening Virginia Sentinel  12
- Natchez daily courier (Natchez, Miss. : 1836)  10
- The Camden Confederate  9
- Daily Richmond examiner (Richmond, Va. : 1861)  8
- Natchez Daily Free Trader  8
- Warrenton Flag of '98  8
- Vermont Patriot and State Gazette  7
- The Charleston Courier, Tri-Weekly  6
- Daily Mississippian (Jackson, Miss. : 1861)  4
- Daily South Carolinian (Columbia, S.C. : 1849)  4
- Milwaukee weekly sentinel (Milwaukee, Wis. : 1851)  4
- Montgomery Daily Post  4
- Virginia sentinel (Alexandria, Va. : 1853)  4
- Daily Nebraskian  3
- The Daily News and Herald  3
- Alta California (San Francisco, Calif. : Steamer ed.)  2
- Daily State sentinel (Indianapolis, Ind. : 1861)  2
- Daily palladium (New Haven, Conn. : 1859)  2
- Democratic Pharos  2
- Dover gazette (Dover, N.H. : 1860)  2
- The Weekly Union and American  2
- Western Kansas Express  2
- Charleston daily courier (Charleston, S.C.)  1
- Chattanooga advertiser (Chattanooga, Tenn. : 1850)  1
- Chattanooga gazette (Chattanooga, Tenn. : 1839)  1
- Daily Milwaukee Press and News  1
- Daily express (Petersburg, Va.)  1
- Mobile weekly advertiser (Mobile, Ala. : 1852)  1
- Montgomery Daily Mail  1
- Natchez courier (Natchez, Miss. : 1836)  1
- Richmond enquirer (Richmond, Va. : 1815 : Semiweekly)  1
- Vermont Watchman and State Journal  1
- Vermont patriot & State gazette (Montpelier, Vt. : 1851)  1
- Vicksburg Whig  1
- Boston, Massachusetts  411
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  312
- Bangor, Maine  306
- San Francisco, California  306
- Lowell, Massachusetts  305
- Cleveland, Ohio  303
- New York, New York  302
- Savannah, Georgia  295
- Milwaukee, Wisconsin  180
- Fayetteville, North Carolina  154
- Raleigh, North Carolina  152
- ,   149
- Omaha, Nebraska  116
- Saint Johnsbury, Vermont  53
- Chillicothe, Ohio  52
- Concord, New Hampshire  52
- Newark, Ohio  52
- Atchison, Kansas  51
- Ripley, Ohio  47
- Portage, Wisconsin  42
- New Orleans, Louisiana  26
- Jackson, Mississippi  24
- Natchez, Mississippi  19
- Charles Town, West Virginia  17
- Alexandria, Virginia_dAlexandria  16
- Yankton, South Dakota  13
- Camden, South Carolina  9
- Montpelier, Vermont  9
- Richmond, Virginia_dRichmond  8
- Warrenton, Virginia  8
- Charleston, South Carolina  7
- Montgomery, Alabama  5
- Columbia, South Carolina  4
- Chattanooga, Tennessee  2
- Dover, New Hampshire  2
- Indianapolis, Indiana  2
- Logansport, Indiana  2
- Manhattan, Kansas  2
- Nashville, Tennessee  2
- New Haven, Connecticut  2
- Mobile, Alabama  1
- Petersburg, Virginia_dPetersburg  1
- Richmond, Virginia  1
- Vicksburg, Mississippi  1
- G. Graham  312
- C. Hale & Co.  307
- Wm. E.P. Rogers  306
- Brown & Morey  305
- C.O. Gerberding & Co.  304
- Harris and Fairbanks  303
- James Gordon Bennett  302
- John M. Cooper  292
- Rufus King & Co.  175
- Seaton Gales  152
- H.Z. Curtis  113
- Edward J. Hale & Son  102
- Jermian & Brightman  83
- E.C. Tracy  53
- Edward J. Hale  52
- Frank Leslie  52
- Geo. O. Odlin & Co.  52
- J. Bailhache  52
- J.Q. Adams  52
- W.L. Garrison & I. Knapp  52
- [B. Briggs]  52
- Jno. A. Martin  51
- C.F. Campbell & L.G. Jenkins  47
- S.S. Brannan  42
- F.A. Lumsden & G.W. Kendall  26
- E. Barksdale  20
- John S. Gallaher  17
- William R. Adams  14
- Dakotian Print. Co.  13
- R.M. Smith & J.M. Smith  12
- Sam'l. H.B. Black  10
- J.T. Hershman  9
- J. H. Morrison  8
- Samuel Wood  8
- William Lloyd and Co.  8
- E. Brown  7
- A.S. Willington  6
- F.T. Cooper & A.N. Kimball  4
- Johnston & Cavis  4
- R. King & Wm. H. Watson  4
- R.M. Smith & J.W. Finks  4
- W.P. Smith  4
- M.H. Clark  3
- S.W. Mason  3
- Babcock & Sizer  2
- Bingham & Doughty  2
- C.F. De Vivaldi  2
- E. Gilbert & Co., -1869.  2
- J. L. Foster & Hills  2
- John L. Marling & Co.  2
- S.A. Hall  2
- A.S. Willington & Co.  1
- C.H. Orton & Co.  1
- Charles C. Langdon  1
- E.P. Walton & Son  1
- Eastman & Danforth  1
- F.A. Parham  1
- H.T. Phillips  1
- Hooper, Coyne, Whitfield  1
- M. Shannon & W.H. M'Cardle  1
- S.B. Paul & O. Ellyson  1
- Thomas Ritchie  1
- [s.n.]  1