Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers
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Die Datenbank enthält ausschließlich englischsprachige Volltexte von ca. 400 Zeitungen aus allen US-amerikanischen Bundesstaaten und Territorien des Erscheinungszeitraums zwischen 1800 und 1900 und umfasst ca. 1,5 Mio Seiten. Die Digitalisierung beruht auf Beständen der Library of Congress, der Wisconsin Historical Society, der South Carolina Library, der Western Reserve Historical Society, den Scholarly Resources Archives, der Historical Society of Pennsylvania und dem Maryland State Archive.
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- Aurora and Franklin gazette (Philadelphia, Pa. : Daily)  268
- Daily National Journal  155
- Louisville public advertiser (Louisville, Ky. : 1819)  95
- Augusta chronicle (Augusta, Ga. : 1831)  93
- Providence Patriot, Columbian Phenix  79
- Maryland Gazette and State Register  52
- The Supporter and Scioto Gazette  52
- Raleigh register, and North-Carolina gazette (Raleigh, N.C. : 1823 : Semiweekly)  51
- Pensacola Gazette and West Florida Advertiser  50
- Carolina Observer  48
- Bangor register (Bangor, Me. : 1822)  47
- Natchez gazette (Natchez, Miss. : 1825)  46
- Raleigh register, and North-Carolina state gazette (Raleigh, N.C. : 1823 : Semiweekly)  46
- Raleigh register, and North-Carolina state gazette (Raleigh, N.C. : 1823 : Weekly)  46
- Missouri republican (Saint Louis, Mo. : 1822)  45
- New Hampshire statesman (Concord, N.H. : Daily)  37
- National advocate (New York, N.Y. : 1812)  28
- Illinois gazette (Shawneetown, Ill.)  24
- Mississippi state gazette (Natchez, Miss. : 1818)  20
- Indiana journal (Indianapolis, Ind. : 1825)  19
- New-Hampshire Statesman and Concord Register  11
- Vermont watchman (Montpelier, Vt. : 1822)  8
- New-York spectator (New York, N.Y. : 1804)  6
- Indiana gazette (Corydon, Ind.)  4
- Raleigh register, and North-Carolina gazette (Raleigh, N.C. : 1811 : Weekly)  4
- Raleigh register, and North-Carolina gazette (Raleigh, N.C. : 1825 : Semiweekly)  4
- Columbia Telescope, and South Carolina State Journal  2
- Connecticut herald (New Haven, Conn. : 1821)  2
- Connecticut courant (Hartford, Conn. : 1791)  1
- Rhode Island American  1
- The Intelligencer, & Petersburg Commercial Advertiser  1
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  268
- Washington, District of Columbia_dWashington  155
- Raleigh, North Carolina  151
- Louisville, Kentucky  95
- Augusta, Georgia  93
- Providence, Rhode Island  80
- Natchez, Mississippi  66
- Annapolis, Maryland  52
- Chillicothe, Ohio  52
- Pensacola, Florida  50
- Concord, New Hampshire  48
- Fayetteville, North Carolina  48
- Bangor, Maine  47
- Saint Louis, Missouri  45
- New York, New York  34
- Shawneetown, Illinois  24
- Indianapolis, Indiana  19
- Montpelier, Vermont  8
- Corydon, Indiana  4
- Columbia, South Carolina  2
- New Haven, Connecticut  2
- Hartford, Connecticut  1
- Petersburg, Virginia_dPetersburg  1
- John Norvell  268
- P. Force  155
- Joseph Gales & Son  147
- S. Penn, Jr.  95
- A.H. Pemberton  93
- Jones & Wheeler  79
- George Nashee  52
- Jonas Green  52
- W. Hasell Hunt  50
- Francis W. Waldo  48
- James Burton, Jr.  47
- A. Marschalk  46
- Edward Charless  45
- McFarland & Jenks  37
- Geo. White  28
- Eddy & Kimmel  24
- Andrew Marschalk  20
- Douglass & Maguire  19
- George Kimball  11
- E.P. Walton  8
- J. Mills  6
- Brandon & Co.  4
- Printed by Gales & Seaton  4
- Black & Sweeny  2
- J.C. Gray  2
- Printed by Hudson & Goodwin  1
- Thomas Whitworth & F. G. Yancey  1
- William G. Goddard  1