Empire Online
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Die Sammlung enthält Essays, Quellen- und Datenmaterial in thematischer Gruppierung zum gesamten Themenbereich Kolonialismus und Imperialismus. Zu fünf thematischen Sektionen (Cultural Contacts, 1492-1969; Empire Writing & the Literature of Empire; The Visible Empire; Religion & Empire; Race, Class, Imperialism and Colonialism c1607-2007) gibt es einführende wissenschaftliche Beiträge und Verknüpfungen zu einschlägigen Quellen.
- Crowther, Samuel  8
- Lugard, Frederick John Dealtry  6
- Bourne, H. R. Fox (Henry Richard Fox)  5
- Caddick, Helen  5
- Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael)  4
- Burton, Richard Francis  4
- Cook, James  4
- Daniell, Thomas  4
- Heywood, R. S.  4
- Owen, W. E. (Walter Edwin)  4
- Scott, (John)  4
- Alvarez, Thos. E.  3
- Angas, George French  3
- Chatterji, Bankim Chandra  3
- Gladstone, W. E. (William Ewart)  3
- Pitt-Pitts, W. Arthur  3
- Satthianadhan, Krupabai  3
- Smith, Goldwin  3
- Steel, Flora Annie Webster  3
- Strafford, Thomas Wentworth  3
- Wodehouse, P. E (Philip Edmond)  3
- Bannister, Saxe  2
- Bartholomew, John  2
- Bruce, Charles  2
- Buchanan, Claudius  2
- Cromer, Evelyn Baring  2
- Fenn, George Manville  2
- Francis, E. C. (Edward Carey)  2
- Gaunt, Mary  2
- Henty, G. A (George Alfred)  2
- Hooper, H. D. (Handley Douglas)  2
- Johnston, Harry Hamilton  2
- Kaempfer, Engelbert  2
- Kingsley, Mary Henrietta  2
- Lucas, Charles Prestwood  2
- Macmillan, Harold  2
- Mitchel, John  2
- Morel, E. D. (Edmund Dene)  2
- Morice, Humphry  2
- Salter, Joseph  2
- Schurz, Carl  2
- Speke, John Hanning  2
- Stables, Gordon  2
- Tasman, Abel Janszoon  2
- Yate, William  2
- Addams, Jane  1
- Allabasca, W.  1
- Alley, J. A.  1
- Alston, Leonard  1
- Andrew, Elizabeth Wheeler  1
- Anson, George  1
- Archer, William  1
- Attlee, A. Katie  1
- Baij Nath  1
- Banks, Joseph  1
- Barbour, Isobel E.  1
- Baring-Gould, Edith M. E.  1
- Barker, (Mary Anne)  1
- Barnes, Irene H.  1
- Barnley, George  1
- Baskerville, Rosetta  1
- Beaghen, Arthur  1
- Beaumont, Gustave de  1
- Beecham, John  1
- Behn, Aphra  1
- Bell, Richard  1
- Besant, Annie Wood  1
- Bhore, Mary  1
- Bokwe, John Knox  1
- Booth, William  1
- Borlase, James S. (James Skipp)  1
- Brennan, C. H.  1
- Brighty, Mary Ellen  1
- Britton, J.  1
- Brown, George  1
- Bryce, James Bryce  1
- Burke, Edmund  1
- Butt, Isaac  1
- Callcott, Maria  1
- Cardoso, Pedro Monteiro  1
- Carey, William  1
- Carlyle, Thomas  1
- Carnegie, Andrew  1
- Carpenter, Mary  1
- Carr, J. M.  1
- Casas, Bartolomé de las  1
- Césaire, Aimé  1
- Chisholm, Caroline  1
- Christian, Joseph  1
- Clarke, Arthur E.  1
- Clyde, Colin Campbell  1
- Coates, Dandeson  1
- Cobden, Richard  1
- Cockran, William  1
- Colenso, John William  1
- Colenso, W. (William)  1
- Colnett, James  1
- Colón, Fernando  1
- Cook, J. Howard  1
- Copway, George  1
- Adam Matthew Digital  749
- British Library  293
- University of Birmingham Library  164
- Church Mission Society  122
- National Archives (Great Britain)  87
- Church Missionary Society  59
- Great Britain Colonial Office  37
- National Art Library (Great Britain)  35
- Cambridge University Library  31
- Glenbow Museum  26
- Great Britain  24
- Great Britain Foreign Office  20
- Bodleian Library  17
- Great Britain Embassy (Japan)  16
- University of Edinburgh  15
- Church Missionary Society Northern Nigeria Mission  11
- Regions Beyond Missionary Union  11
- Anti-Slavery International  10
- University of London School of Oriental and African Studies  10
- Aborigines Protection Society (Great Britain)  9
- Birmingham Central Library (Birmingham, England)  5
- British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society  4
- Church Missionary Society Committee  4
- Church Missionary Society Kenya Mission  4
- Great Britain Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1851  4
- State Records Authority of New South Wales  4
- Sudan United Mission  4
- Zenana Missionary Society  4
- Alliance of Missionary Societies  3
- Anti-slavery and Aborigines Protection Society (Great Britain)  3
- Bank of England Archive  3
- Church Missionary Society Kenya Mission Kavirondo District Missionary Committee  3
- Church Missionary Society Toro Medical Mission  3
- Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Committee of Officials on Nationality Questions  3
- International Missionary Council  3
- London Library  3
- Medical Missionary Association (London, England)  3
- Niger Delta Pastorate Church  3
- Sheffield Archives  3
- Society for Promoting Female Education in the East  3
- Canada Dept. of Indian Affairs  2
- Church Missionary Society Africa (Group 3) Committee  2
- Church Missionary Society Ruanda General and Medical Mission  2
- Congo Balolo Mission  2
- Great Britain Parliament House of Commons  2
- London Missionary Society  2
- National Library of Australia  2
- St. Joseph's Industrial School (Calgary, Alta.)  2
- State Library of New South Wales  2
- University of Birmingham  2
- .University of Birmingham Library  1
- Africa Inland Mission  1
- Anglican Church of Canada Diocese of Saskatchewan  1
- Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland  1
- Belgium Parlement Sénat  1
- British Council (Kenya)  1
- British Library Additional 4794.  1
- British Library Newspaper Library  1
- British South Africa Company  1
- Calcutta Historical Society  1
- Cambridge University Missionary Party  1
- Canada Dept. of Indian Affairs Blackfoot Indian Agency  1
- Cape of Good Hope (Colony) Commission on Native Laws and Customs  1
- Christian Council of Kenya African Education Committee  1
- Church Missionary Society Eastern Equatorial Africa Mission  1
- Church Missionary Society Kenya Mission Conference  1
- Church Missionary Society Niger Mission  1
- Church Missionary Society Niger Mission Conference  1
- Church Missionary Society Niger Mission Executive Committee  1
- Church Missionary Society Northern Nigeria Mission Central Committee  1
- Church Missionary Society Northern Nigeria Mission Executive Committee  1
- Church Missionary Society Ruanda Council  1
- Church Missionary Society Ruanda Mission Educational Committee  1
- Church Missionary Society South Africa Mission  1
- Church Missionary Society Uganda Mission  1
- Church Missionary Society Uganda Mission Educational Committee  1
- Church Missionary Society West Africa Mission  1
- Church of England Diocese of Mombasa Synod  1
- Church of England Diocese of the Niger Conference  1
- Church of England Province of Canterbury Archbishop (1896-1902 : Temple)  1
- Church of England Province of East Africa  1
- Committee for the Evangelisation of Kenya Indians  1
- Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies Court of Directors  1
- Conference of Missionary Societies in Great Britain and Ireland  1
- Conference on Christian Education in East Africa (1930 : London, England)  1
- Congo Protestant Council  1
- Corporation of Merchants (Dublin, Ireland)  1
- Crystal Palace Company (Sydenham, London, England)  1
- East India Company  1
- Empire Marketing Board  1
- Evangelical Missionary Alliance  1
- Evangelical Missionary Alliance Conference (1987 : Hoddesdon, England)  1
- Evangelical Missionary Alliance Conference (32nd : 1990 : Hoddesdon, England)  1
- Female Refuge Society  1
- Friends' Liberal Association (Pune, India)  1
- Great Britain Colonial Office Advisory Committee on Native Education in Tropical Africa  1
- Great Britain Colonial Policy Committee  1
- Great Britain Commissioners for the London International Exhibition  1
- Great Britain Consulate General (Seoul, Korea)  1
- Great Britain Consulate-General (Seoul, Korea)  1
- Little Chief, Joe  21
- Hooper, H. D. (Handley Douglas)  20
- Cook, James  8
- Crowther, Samuel  8
- Lugard, Frederick John Dealtry  8
- Baylis, F.  6
- Alvarez, Thos. E.  5
- Bourne, H. R. Fox (Henry Richard Fox)  5
- Caddick, Helen  5
- Duse Mohamed  5
- Miller, Walter Richard Samuel  5
- Pitt-Pitts, W. Arthur  5
- Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael)  4
- Burton, Richard Francis  4
- Charles  4
- Cook, J. Howard  4
- Crowther, Danderson C.  4
- Daniell, Thomas  4
- Daniell, William  4
- Heywood, R. S.  4
- Owen, W. E. (Walter Edwin)  4
- Scott, (John)  4
- Vischer, Hanns  4
- Angas, George French  3
- Bruce, Charles  3
- Chatterji, Bankim Chandra  3
- Ellis, Robert  3
- Francis, E. C. (Edward Carey)  3
- Gladstone, W. E. (William Ewart)  3
- Johnston, Harry Hamilton  3
- Morice, Humphry  3
- Oldham, Joseph Houldsworth  3
- Satthianadhan, Krupabai  3
- Smith, Goldwin  3
- Steel, Flora Annie Webster  3
- Strafford, Thomas Wentworth  3
- Wodehouse, P. E (Philip Edmond)  3
- Banks, Joseph  2
- Bannister, Saxe  2
- Bartholomew, John  2
- Bonnerjee, W. C. (Woomesh Chandra)  2
- Britton, J.  2
- Buchanan, Claudius  2
- Buller, H. G.  2
- Butt, Isaac  2
- Cromer, Evelyn Baring  2
- Drake, Francis  2
- Fenn, George Manville  2
- Gaunt, Mary  2
- Hacke, William  2
- Henty, G. A (George Alfred)  2
- Henty, G. A. (George Alfred)  2
- Johnson, James  2
- Kaempfer, Engelbert  2
- Kingsley, Mary Henrietta  2
- Lucas, Charles Prestwood  2
- Macmillan, Harold  2
- Mātavaiyā, A.  2
- Mitchel, John  2
- Moffat, Robert  2
- Morel, E. D. (Edmund Dene)  2
- Philip, John  2
- Salter, Joseph  2
- Schurz, Carl  2
- Sharpe, Bartholomew  2
- Speke, John Hanning  2
- Stables, Gordon  2
- Stuart, C. E. (Cyril Edgar)  2
- Tasman, Abel Janszoon  2
- Teall, J. Eastoe  2
- Vancouver, George  2
- Vason, George  2
- White, James T.  2
- Wilson, William  2
- Wyatt, M. Digby (Matthew Digby)  2
- Yate, William  2
- Addams, Jane  1
- Aguinaldo, Emilio  1
- Albemarle, Christopher Monck  1
- Allabasca, W.  1
- Alley, J. A.  1
- Alston, Leonard  1
- Andrew, Elizabeth Wheeler  1
- Anson, George  1
- Archer, William  1
- Archer, William Henry  1
- Arnold-Forster, H. O. (Hugh Oakeley)  1
- Arthur, John W. (John William)  1
- Attlee, A. Katie  1
- Baij Nath  1
- Balch, Emily Greene  1
- Balfour, Arthur James Balfour  1
- Barbour, Isobel E.  1
- Baring-Gould, Edith M. E.  1
- Barker, (Mary Anne)  1
- Barnes, Irene H.  1
- Barnley, George  1
- Baskerville, Rosetta  1
- Beaghen, Arthur  1
- Beaumont, Gustave de  1
- London  226
- Marlborough, England  75
- London   26
- Calcutta  9
- Edinburgh  9
- London?  9
- Madras  9
- Dublin  6
- [London]  6
- [Lovedale, South Africa]  6
- Bombay  5
- New York  5
- Boston  4
- Glasgow  3
- Agra  2
- Derby  2
- Lovedale, South Africa  2
- Oxford  2
- Torquay [England]   2
- A Paris  1
- Albany, N.Y  1
- Bath  1
- Blackfriars [London]  1
- Bongandanga, Upper Congo  1
- Brighton  1
- Cambridge  1
- Cambridge, [Mass]  1
- Cambridge?  1
- Cape Town  1
- Demerara  1
- Dublin?  1
- Exeter, England  1
- Francoforti ad Moenum  1
- Kampala, Uganda  1
- Lahore  1
- Lahore?  1
- Leek [Staffordshire]  1
- Leicester  1
- Lincoln  1
- Lymington [England]  1
- Melbourne  1
- Montreal  1
- Nairobi  1
- Ottawa?  1
- Perth [W.A.]  1
- Philadelphia  1
- Poona  1
- Southampton  1
- Sydney  1
- Torquay [England]  1
- Vila Nova de Famalicão  1
- Wellington  1
- Winnipeg, Man  1
- [434] fol.  1
- [463] leaves  1
- [Irian Jaya?]  1
- [Melbourne]  1
- [Norwich, Conn.]  1
- [Regina, Sask.?]  1
- Adam Matthew Digital  75
- James Nisbet & Co.  11
- Church Missionary Society  10
- Macmillan  7
- Nisbet & Co.  6
- African Times and Orient Review  5
- Church Missionary Society?  5
- P.S. King & Son  5
- RBMU  5
- Andrew Melrose  4
- Lovedale Institution Press  4
- Sheldon Press  4
- Spicer Brothers  4
- Sudan United Mission  4
- T. Nelson and Sons  4
- Blackie & Son  3
- C. Bendle  3
- Fleetway Press  3
- Lovedale Press  3
- Printed by order of the General Meeting  3
- Printed for Thomas and William Daniell ... and published by William Daniell ... [etc.]  3
- T. Werner Laurie  3
- Tinsley Brothers  3
- W. & R. Chambers  3
- William Blackwood and Sons  3
- [s.n.]  3
- Aborigines Protection Society  2
- Anti-slavery and Aborigines Protection Society  2
- Bemrose & Sons  2
- Blackie and Son  2
- British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society  2
- Cassell  2
- Chapman & Hall  2
- Hatchards  2
- Hutchinson & Co.  2
- John Snow  2
- Longmans, Green  2
- Marshall Brothers  2
- Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies  2
- Richard Bentley  2
- Srinivasa, Varadachari & Co.   2
- Thomas M'Lean  2
- William Clowes and Sons  2
- s.n.  2
- A & C Black  1
- A. Strahan and Co.  1
- A.W. Bennett  1
- Ackermann & Co.  1
- Albert Colby & Co.  1
- Alfred W. Bennett  1
- Andrew Elliot  1
- Anti-slavery and Aborigines Protection Society?  1
- Apollo Print. Works  1
- Argosy Press  1
- At the Clarendon Press  1
- Authors' Press & Pub. House  1
- Bemrose & Sons Limited  1
- Bhau Govind Sapkar  1
- Bradbury & Evans  1
- C. Arthur Pearson  1
- C.M. Philips  1
- Cambridge University Missionary Party?]  1
- Cameron & Ferguson  1
- Chapman and Hall  1
- Charles Scribner's Sons  1
- Church Missionary Society?]  1
- Church Missionary Society]  1
- Congo Balolo Mission  1
- Day & Son  1
- De l'Imprimerie de la République  1
- Dickinson, Brothers ...  1
- Diocese of Saskatchewan  1
- E. T. Whitfield   1
- Edward Stanford  1
- Evangelical Missionary Alliance  1
- Exhibition Offices?  1
- F. Murray  1
- Fisher, Son, & Jackson  1
- Fleetway Press Ltd.  1
- Fleming H. Revell Company  1
- Frederick Warne and Co.  1
- G. Lamb  1
- G.A. Natesan & Co.  1
- Geo. W. Wright  1
- George Philip and Son  1
- George Vickers  1
- George Virtue  1
- Govt. Printer  1
- Gypsy Press  1
- H. Marshall & Son  1
- H.Hooks, United Methodist Pub. House  1
- H.M. Mookerjee & Co.  1
- Harvey and Darton  1
- Henry Colburn  1
- Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press Warehouse  1
- Henry Renshaw  1
- Higginbotham & Co.  1
- Hurst and Blackett  1
- Hutchinson  1
- Imperial and Foreign Company  1
- 1552  1
- 1570  1
- 1577  1
- 1582  1
- 1590  1
- 1603  1
- 1604  1
- 1607  1
- 1609  1
- 1611  1
- 1612  2
- 1624  1
- 1633  1
- 1642  1
- 1646  2
- 1654  1
- 1670  2
- 1672  1
- 1680  1
- 1681  1
- 1682  1
- 1684  2
- 1686  1
- 1688  1
- 1690  1
- 1692  1
- 1696  2
- 1709  1
- 1712  1
- 1721  1
- 1724  1
- 1725  2
- 1740  1
- 1741  1
- 1762  1
- 1767  2
- 1768  2
- 1769  1
- 1770  2
- 1772  2
- 1773  1
- 1774  1
- 1776  2
- 1777  1
- 1779  1
- 1780  2
- 1785  2
- 1787  1
- 1788  2
- 1790  2
- 1792  2
- 1793  1
- 1794  1
- 1797  1
- 1798  1
- 1799  3
- 1800  4
- 1804  1
- 1805  1
- 1808  6
- 1810  4
- 1811  2
- 1812  4
- 1813  4
- 1816  2
- 1817  1
- 1818  1
- 1822  1
- 1823  1
- 1824  2
- 1827  1
- 1828  2
- 1829  1
- 1830  2
- 1834  3
- 1835  1
- 1836  1
- 1837  2
- 1838  4
- 1839  7
- 1840  5
- 1841  4
- 1842  3
- 1844  4
- 1846  1
- 1847  3
- 1848  1
- 1849  1
- 1851  6
- 1852  4
- 1853  2
- 1854  5
- 1855  1
- 1856  3
- 1857  9
- 1858  3
- 1859  1
- 1860  4
- 1861  4
- 1862  14
- 1863  1
- 1864  4
- 1865  1
- 1866  3
- 1867  3
- 1868  2
- 1870  3
- 1871  1
- 1872  2
- 1873  4
- 1874  3
- 1875  1
- 1876  3
- 1877  1
- 1878  4
- 1879  3
- 1880  5
- 1881  3
- 1882  5
- 1883  8
- 1884  2
- 1885  4
- 1886  8
- 1887  4
- 1888  2
- 1889  9
- 1890  6
- 1891  3
- 1892  6
- 1893  5
- 1894  2
- 1895  8
- 1896  5
- 1897  6
- 1898  3
- 1899  8
- 1900  8
- 1901  5
- 1902  7
- 1903  7
- 1904  6
- 1905  4
- 1906  1
- 1907  4
- 1908  14
- 1909  12
- 1910  3
- 1911  7
- 1912  9
- 1913  20
- 1914  3
- 1915  2
- 1916  1
- 1917  3
- 1919  5
- 1920  1
- 1921  5
- 1922  5
- 1923  4
- 1924  6
- 1925  5
- 1926  6
- 1927  9
- 1928  9
- 1929  6
- 1930  14
- 1931  6
- 1932  9
- 1933  9
- 1934  10
- 1935  9
- 1936  5
- 1937  7
- 1938  4
- 1939  4
- 1940  4
- 1943  5
- 1944  1
- 1945  3
- 1946  3
- 1947  2
- 1948  3
- 1949  4
- 1950  1
- 1951  2
- 1952  2
- 1953  2
- 1954  2
- 1956  4
- 1957  6
- 1958  2
- 1959  5
- 1960  3
- 1962  1
- 1963  1
- 1972  1
- 1976  1
- 1977  1
- 1979  1
- 1980  1
- 1981  1
- 1988  1
- 1990  2
- 1994  1
- 1996  1
- 2007  75
- Englisch  743
- Französisch  5
- Bengali  3
- Xhosa-Sprache  3
- Niederländisch  2
- Deutsch  2
- Latein  2
- Portugiesisch  2
- Spanisch  2
- Australische Sprachen  1
- Kreolisch-Portugiesisch (Andere)  1
- Gujarati-Sprache  1
- Maori-Sprache  1
- Tamil  1
- Zulu-Sprache  1
- 19th century  15
- 1926-1945  13
- 20th century  13
- 1837-1901  9
- Sepoy Rebellion, 1857-1858  9
- 17th century  6
- 1890-1962  5
- 1760-1820  4
- 1897-1901  4
- 1910-1945  4
- British occupation, 1765-1947  4
- 18th century  3
- 1901-1936  3
- 1765-1947  2
- 19000928  2
- 1901-1910  2
- 1919-1947  2
- 1945-1964  2
- Conquest, 1519-1540  2
- New Zealand Wars, 1860-1872  2
- To 1840  2
- 1603-1625  1
- 1760-1789  1
- 1775-1783  1
- 17850812  1
- 17850815  1
- 1789-1820  1
- 17990131  1
- 17990207  1
- 18000214  1
- 1840-1876  1
- 18571007  1
- 18571011  1
- 1862-1899  1
- 1882-1952  1
- 1885-1908  1
- 19020607  1
- 1918-1945  1
- 1947-  1
- Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1901  1
- British occupation, 1882-1936  1
- Charles 1, 1625-1649  1
- Famine, 1845-1852  1
- Ismail, 1863-1879  1
- John Brown's Raid, 1859  1
- New Zealand Wars, 1843-1847  1
- Partition, 1947  1
- Philippine American War, 1899-1902  1
- Rebellion of 1641  1
- Revolution, 1775-1783  1
- Revolution, 1954-1962  1
- Siege, 1857  1
- To 1836  1
- To 1963  1
- To1603  1
- Union, 1801  1