Eighteenth Century Collections Online
Eighteenth Century Collections Online bieten auf der Grundlage des English Short Title Catalogue einen Zugang zu über 180.000 Titeln von primär in Großbritannien erschienenen Büchern, Pamphleten, Essays und Einblattdrucken. Die Sammlung beinhaltet fachlich Werke aus der Geschichte, Geographie, den Schönen Künsten, den Sozialwissenschaften, Sprache und Literatur, Theologie und Philosophie, Recht sowie Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technik. Nahezu 40 Millionen Seiten können auf der Basis einer Volltextsuche mit einfachen und erweiterten Sucheinstiegen recherchiert werden. ECCO II setzt 2010 die bereits als Nationallizenz der 1. Runde erworbene Datenbank Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO I) unter einer neuen gemeinsamen Oberfläche fort.
- Shakespeare, William  1.064
- Wesley, John  975
- Swift, Jonathan  914
- Defoe, Daniel  829
- Pope, Alexander  827
- Goldsmith, Oliver  692
- Fielding, Henry  677
- Sterne, Laurence  650
- Voltaire  644
- Johnson, Samuel  563
- Smollett, Tobias George  563
- Young, Edward  465
- Watts, Isaac  413
- Gay, John  402
- Hume, David  396
- Milton, John  385
- Homer.  376
- Thomson, James  372
- Richardson, Samuel  368
- Dryden, John  331
- Le Sage, Alain René  314
- Addison, Joseph  311
- Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-  293
- Horace.  291
- Cibber, Colley  289
- Whitefield, George  288
- Robertson, William  284
- Hervey, James  283
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques  283
- Paine, Thomas  275
- Ramsay, Allan  275
- More, Hannah  273
- Priestley, Joseph  272
- Lady.  269
- Bunyan, John  268
- Virgil.  256
- Ward, Edward  256
- Cicero, Marcus Tullius.  253
- Locke, John  241
- Garrick, David  234
- Rowe, Nicholas  234
- Congreve, William  230
- Steele, Richard  225
- Haywood, Eliza Fowler  224
- Cennick, John  223
- Cumberland, Richard  222
- Farquhar, George  222
- Burke, Edmund  221
- Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de  221
- O'Keeffe, John  218
- Pindar, Peter  218
- Colman, George  216
- Dodsley, Robert  213
- Mather, Cotton  207
- Brown, John  204
- Synge, Edward  199
- Hoadly, Benjamin  197
- Burnet, Gilbert  190
- Rollin, Charles  190
- Hill, John  186
- Foote, Samuel  184
- Moore, John  175
- Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope  173
- Tillotson, John  173
- Kotzebue, August von  170
- Ovid  170
- Bolingbroke, Henry St. John  168
- Bickerstaff, Isaac  166
- Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat  165
- Dibdin, Charles  163
- Law, William  163
- Plutarch.  159
- Pratt, (Samuel Jackson)  156
- Smith, Charlotte Turner  156
- Burney, Fanny  154
- Gibson, Edmund  154
- Boyer, Abel  153
- Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité  152
- Watson, Richard  152
- Combe, William  151
- Doddridge, Philip  148
- Murphy, Arthur  148
- Clarke, Samuel  146
- Blackstone, William  144
- Young, Arthur  144
- Brooke, Henry  143
- Mason, William  143
- Dodd, William  140
- Walpole, Horace  140
- Leslie, Charles  139
- Trusler, John  139
- Gordon, Thomas  137
- Sheridan, Richard Brinsley  136
- Sherlock, Thomas  135
- Erskine, Ralph  134
- Beveridge, William  133
- Jones, William  133
- Wilson, Thomas  133
- Metastasio, Pietro  132
- Otway, Thomas  132
- Great Britain Parliament.  1.769
- Great Britain  1.471
- Church of England  942
- Great Britain Parliament. House of Commons.  781
- Great Britain Parliament. House of Lords.  482
- Ireland  332
- Great Britain Lords Commissioners of Appeals in Prize Causes.  269
- Ireland Parliament. House of Commons.  224
- University of Cambridge  201
- Massachusetts General Court.  200
- Church of Scotland General Assembly.  190
- Great Britain Army.  188
- Theatre Royal (Drury Lane, London, England)  177
- Great Britain Court of King's Bench.  175
- Massachusetts  162
- Royal Society (Great Britain)  161
- Ireland Parliament. House of Lords.  142
- United States Continental Congress.  137
- Royal College of Physicians of London  136
- Ireland Lords Justices and Council.  135
- East India Company  133
- Catholic Church  97
- Church of Ireland  97
- Great Britain Court of Chancery.  94
- Great Britain Sovereign (1707-1714 : Anne)  94
- Great Britain Sovereign (1727-1760 : George II)  94
- Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce (London, England)  93
- Ireland Trustees for the Sale of the Forfeited Estates.  92
- Theatre Royal (Covent Garden, London, England)  89
- Philological Society (Great Britain)  87
- England and Wales  86
- Connecticut  85
- Corporation of London (England) Court of Common Council.  84
- University of Oxford  84
- Great Britain Sovereign (1760-1820 : George III)  83
- Church of Scotland  76
- Foundling Hospital (London, England)  75
- Scotland Parliament.  75
- England and Wales Parliament. House of Lords.  74
- Connecticut General Assembly.  73
- Society of Friends London Yearly Meeting.  72
- England and Wales Sovereign (1702-1707 : Anne)  70
- England and Wales Parliament. House of Commons.  67
- Great Britain Court of Session.  67
- Church of England Diocese of London. Bishop (1723-1748 : Gibson)  66
- Great Britain Royal Navy.  66
- Northampton (England)  66
- Down (Northern Ireland)  65
- Rhode Island General Assembly.  64
- Royal Dublin Society  60
- Great Britain Commissioners of Longitude.  59
- Mr. Langford and Son  58
- Great Britain Sessions (City of London and County of Middlesex)  57
- Great Britain Sovereign (1714-1727 : George I)  54
- United States Congress House. (6th, 1st session)  50
- Society of Antiquaries of London  48
- United States  48
- United States Dept. of the Treasury.  48
- Scotland Lord Advocate (Grant : 1746-1754)  46
- Great Britain Court of Common Pleas.  43
- United States Dept. of State.  42
- Wesleyan Methodist Church Conference.  42
- London Corresponding Society  40
- King's Theatre (Haymarket, London, England)  39
- Great Britain Commissioners of Excise.  38
- Baptist Church Northamptonshire Association.  37
- Bedford Level Corporation  37
- Company of the Mine-Adventurers of England  37
- Scotland Sovereign (1702-1707: Anne)  37
- Virginia  37
- Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts  36
- Dublin (Ireland)  36
- New York (State)  35
- Corporation of London  34
- Royal African Company  34
- England and Wales Parliament.  33
- Great Britain Commissioners Appointed to Examine, Take, and State the Public Accounts of the Kingdom.  33
- Jamaica  33
- Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge  33
- Ireland Parliament.  32
- Pennsylvania  32
- Philosophical Society of Edinburgh  32
- United Brethren in Christ  32
- Scotland  31
- Great Britain Commissioners and Trustees for Forfeited Estates.  30
- Guy's Hospital  30
- Addenbrooke's Hospital (Cambridge, England)  29
- Maryland  29
- Society in Edinburgh  29
- Concerts of Antient Music  28
- Harvard University  28
- Leigh and Sotheby  28
- Society of Apothecaries, London  28
- United States Congress House. (6th, 1st session : 1799-1800).  28
- Ackworth School  27
- Fund for the Widows and Children of Scottish Ministers and Professors  27
- Great Britain High Court of Admiralty.  27
- Massachusetts Council.  27
- Royal Humane Society  27
- Bath and West of England Society  26
- Pope, Alexander  1.151
- Shakespeare, William  1.138
- Defoe, Daniel  1.137
- Wesley, John  1.070
- Swift, Jonathan  999
- Johnson, Samuel  788
- Fielding, Henry  714
- Goldsmith, Oliver  713
- Voltaire  668
- Sterne, Laurence  665
- Smollett, Tobias George  589
- Watts, Isaac  529
- Young, Edward  472
- Addison, Joseph  443
- Milton, John  428
- Gay, John  412
- Hume, David  398
- Steele, Richard  384
- Thomson, James  383
- Richardson, Samuel  381
- Green, Timothy  380
- Homer.  376
- Dryden, John  354
- Le Sage, Alain René  324
- Bunyan, John  311
- Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-  301
- Whitefield, George  300
- Cibber, Colley  297
- Ramsay, Allan  297
- Green, Bartholomew  296
- Horace.  294
- Paine, Thomas  294
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques  293
- Thomas, Isaiah  293
- Gill, John  290
- Dodsley, Robert  287
- Robertson, William  287
- Wesley, Charles  287
- Priestley, Joseph  286
- Hervey, James  284
- More, Hannah  277
- Garrick, David  273
- Fleet, Thomas  270
- Lady.  269
- Cicero, Marcus Tullius.  263
- Locke, John  261
- Ward, Edward  260
- Virgil.  256
- Burke, Edmund  253
- Kneeland, Samuel  253
- Rowe, Nicholas  250
- Fletcher, John  246
- Hill, John  243
- Haywood, Eliza Fowler  237
- Mather, Cotton  232
- Congreve, William  231
- Franklin, Benjamin  228
- Colman, George  227
- Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de  226
- Cennick, John  223
- Cumberland, Richard  223
- Brown, John  222
- Farquhar, George  222
- O'Keeffe, John  222
- Pindar, Peter  219
- Burnet, Gilbert  217
- Edes, Benjamin  204
- Hoadly, Benjamin  204
- Synge, Edward  202
- Gordon, Thomas  194
- Rollin, Charles  193
- Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope  191
- Foote, Samuel  189
- Andrews, Ebenezer Turrell  187
- Combe, William  186
- Clarke, Samuel  182
- Henchman, Daniel  182
- Bolingbroke, Henry St. John  181
- Moore, John  178
- Doddridge, Philip  176
- Sheridan, Richard Brinsley  175
- Smith, William  175
- Tillotson, John  173
- Law, William  172
- Gibson, Edmund  171
- Kotzebue, August von  171
- Ovid  171
- Bickerstaff, Isaac  168
- Boyer, Abel  168
- Dodd, William  167
- Dibdin, Charles  166
- Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat  166
- Trusler, John  165
- Brooke, Henry  164
- Butler, Samuel  162
- Burney, Fanny  159
- Mason, William  159
- Plutarch.  159
- Pratt, (Samuel Jackson)  158
- Smith, Charlotte Turner  156
- London  127.090
- Dublin  17.590
- Edinburgh  12.582
- [London]  5.953
- London?  3.914
- Glasgow  2.575
- Boston  2.572
- Philadelphia  2.172
- Oxford  2.105
- Londini  2.033
- A Londres  1.516
- Cambridge  1.462
- Londres  1.301
- Edinburgi  1.210
- London [England]  1.141
- [Dublin]  1.115
- Bristol  1.095
- Edinburgh?  1.082
- Londres [i.e. Paris?]  991
- [London?]  942
- Bath  767
- York  731
- Birmingham  687
- New-York  627
- Newcastle  477
- Manchester  436
- Newcastle upon Tyne  413
- [Boston]  405
- Norwich  395
- Oxonii  389
- Belfast  387
- Dublin?  382
- Salisbury  362
- Aberdeen  342
- Cork  325
- Leeds  315
- A Londres [i.e. Paris?]  313
- Perth  295
- Glasguae  293
- [Edinburgh]  293
- [Edinburgh?]  291
- Londra  271
- Shrewsbury  259
- Newcastle upon Tyne?  251
- Hartford  244
- Liverpool  236
- Londres [i.e. Paris]  220
- Berwick  215
- Northampton  214
- Exeter  211
- Basil  206
- Edinburg  201
- Canterbury  200
- Chester  196
- Londres [i.e. Amsterdam?]  195
- Cantabrigiæ  194
- Nottingham  194
- [Philadelphia]  182
- Exon  177
- Warrington  175
- Printed at Boston  174
- Paris  166
- Ipswich  154
- Dublinii  153
- Rochester  150
- New-London [Conn.]  147
- New-Haven  146
- A Londres [i.e. Paris]  145
- Coventry  145
- [Dublin?]  144
- Worcester  141
- Reading  139
- Boston N.E  133
- Boston, New-England  128
- Glocester  128
- Caerfyrddin  124
- Calcutta  123
- Boston, N.E  122
- Paisley  120
- Downpatrick?  119
- [New York]  116
- Falkirk  115
- Hull  107
- Sheffield  106
- Boston in New-England  104
- New York  104
- Oxford?  104
- Bury St. Edmund's  102
- Providence  101
- [Bath]  95
- Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts  94
- Glasgow?  90
- Tewkesbury  87
- Londres [i.e. Amsterdam]  85
- Eton  84
- [Salisbury]  82
- Sherborne [Dorset, England]  80
- [Shrewsbury]  80
- Boston in N.E  78
- Cambridge?  77
- s.n.  12.986
- [s.n.]  9.068
- Printed in the year  701
- printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand  693
- printed in the year  692
- printed for the author  644
- printed for J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall  479
- s.n  381
- printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane  305
- printed for A. Millar, in the Strand  274
- printed for J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane  245
- Printed for the author  228
- printed for J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul's Church-Yard  225
- apud Balfour et Smellie, Academiae Typographos  216
- printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster-Row  205
- printed by Thomas Baskett; and by the assigns of Robert Baskett  203
- printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd  193
- chez John Adamson  165
- printed for J. and R. Tonson in the Strand  161
- printed for T. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster-Row  159
- printed for T. Cadell  157
- printed for the booksellers  157
- printed for G. G. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-Row  154
- printed for John Stockdale, Piccadilly  154
- printed for J. Dodsley, Pall-Mall  150
- printed for J. Debrett, opposite Burlington House, Piccadilly  148
- printed for C. Dilly, in the Poultry  145
- printed for J. Debrett, opposite Burlington-House, Piccadilly  140
- Apud Balfour et Smellie, academiae typographos  137
- printed for R. and J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall  135
- printed for J. Dodsley  128
- printed by John Baskett  127
- printed for J. Almon, opposite Burlington-House, in Piccadilly  126
- printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church-Yard  126
- printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper in the Strand  121
- printed for W. Strahan; and T. Cadell, in the Strand  121
- at the Apollo Press, by the Martins. Anno  117
- printed for Harrison and Co. No. 18, Paternoster-Row  116
- printed for J. Johnson  116
- printed for John Fielding No. 23, Pater Noster Row; John Debrett, opposite Burlington House, Piccadilly; and John Sewell, No. 32, Cornhill  115
- printed for John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall  115
- printed for J. Roberts, in Warwick-Lane  113
- printed at the Minerva-Press, for William Lane, Leadenhall-Street  108
- printed for W. Lane, Leadenhall-Street  106
- printed for William Lane, at the Minerva-Press, Leadenhall-Street  106
- printed by Charles Eyre and William Strahan  105
- printed by T.N. for John Martyn at the Bell, a little without Temple-Bar, printer to the Royal Society  105
- printed for J. Dodsley in Pall-Mall  103
- Printed by George Grierson, printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty  99
- Printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand  99
- printed for John Clark, at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry, near Cheapside  99
- printed for J. Roberts, at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane  98
- printed for R. and J. Dodsley in Pall-Mall  98
- printed for J. Bew, in Pater-Noster-Row  97
- Printed and sold in London  95
- printed for J. Newbery, at the Bible and Sun, in St. Paul's Church-Yard  95
- printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the Queens most excellent Majesty  94
- printed for A. Millar  94
- printed for Charles Dilly  94
- printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper  94
- printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-Row  93
- printed for William Lane, at the Minerva Press, Leadenhall-Street  93
- printed by George Faulkner  91
- printed by George Grierson  91
- printed for Charles Dilly, in the Poultry  91
- printed for John Wyat, at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-Yard  91
- e typographeo Clarendoniano  90
- printed and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster  90
- printed by John Nichols; for J. Buckland, J. Rivington and Sons, T. Payne and Sons, L. Davis, B. White and Son [and 37 others in London]  90
- printed for Edward and Charles Dilly  90
- printed by P. Byrne, No. 108, Grafton-Street  89
- printed  88
- printed by George Faulkner, in Essex-Street  87
- Fowler, printer, Salisbury  85
- printed for J. Tonson in the Strand  85
- Printed for the booksellers  84
- printed for William Lane, Leadenhall-Street  84
- printed by R. Goadby and Co.  83
- printed by Felix Farley  81
- printed by Robert and Andrew Foulis  80
- printed for, and under the direction of, George Cawthorn, British Library, Strand  80
- et se trouve à Paris  79
- printed for Peter Wilson, in Dame-Street  79
- printed for the proprietors, under the direction of John Bell, British Library, Strand, Bookseller to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales  79
- printed by and for Martin & Wotherspoon  78
- printed for A. Strahan; and T. Cadell, in the Strand  78
- printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's  78
- printed and sold by J. J. Tourneisen  77
- printed for J. Debrett  77
- Printed by Hudson and Goodwin  76
- Printed by Thomas Baskett, printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty; and by the assigns of Robert Baskett  76
- printed for M. Cooper, in Pater-Noster-Row  75
- printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard  74
- e Theatro Sheldoniano  73
- printed for John and Paul Knapton, at the Crown in Ludgate-Street  73
- printed, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster  73
- Printed by Boulter Grierson, printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty  72
- printed for James and John Knapton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard  72
- printed for A. Millar in the Strand  71
- printed for A. Moore, near St. Paul's  71
- 1605  1
- 1616  1
- 1642  3
- 1661  1
- 1662  1
- 1664  1
- 1670  1
- 1675  1
- 1680  3
- 1681  10
- 1684  4
- 1685  1
- 1686  12
- 1690  2
- 1692  1
- 1693  8
- 1694  1
- 1695  6
- 1696  2
- 1698  3
- 1699  2
- 1700  36
- 1701  1.325
- 1702  1.415
- 1703  1.262
- 1704  1.514
- 1705  1.385
- 1706  1.202
- 1707  1.406
- 1708  1.366
- 1709  1.423
- 1710  2.154
- 1711  1.678
- 1712  1.708
- 1713  1.539
- 1714  1.903
- 1715  1.898
- 1716  1.566
- 1717  1.525
- 1718  1.452
- 1719  1.409
- 1720  1.864
- 1721  1.555
- 1722  1.368
- 1723  1.160
- 1724  1.204
- 1725  1.420
- 1726  1.462
- 1727  1.459
- 1728  1.479
- 1729  1.361
- 1730  1.725
- 1731  1.392
- 1732  1.548
- 1733  1.544
- 1734  1.365
- 1735  1.707
- 1736  1.456
- 1737  1.341
- 1738  1.247
- 1739  1.665
- 1740  1.736
- 1741  1.480
- 1742  1.618
- 1743  1.440
- 1744  1.458
- 1745  1.763
- 1746  1.546
- 1747  1.666
- 1748  1.884
- 1749  1.931
- 1750  2.349
- 1751  1.802
- 1752  1.662
- 1753  2.017
- 1754  1.786
- 1755  2.058
- 1756  1.914
- 1757  1.917
- 1758  1.755
- 1759  1.930
- 1760  2.418
- 1761  2.354
- 1762  2.072
- 1763  2.009
- 1764  1.858
- 1765  2.475
- 1766  2.561
- 1767  2.405
- 1768  2.593
- 1769  2.294
- 1770  2.924
- 1771  2.310
- 1772  2.321
- 1773  2.370
- 1774  2.710
- 1775  3.172
- 1776  2.762
- 1777  2.740
- 1778  2.349
- 1779  2.336
- 1780  3.147
- 1781  2.185
- 1782  2.248
- 1783  2.716
- 1784  2.791
- 1785  3.537
- 1786  2.897
- 1787  3.113
- 1788  3.659
- 1789  3.410
- 1790  4.944
- 1791  3.768
- 1792  4.383
- 1793  4.438
- 1794  4.188
- 1795  5.134
- 1796  4.553
- 1797  4.194
- 1798  4.346
- 1799  4.231
- 1800  5.560
- 1801  3
- 1802  1
- 1803  3
- 1806  9
- 1826  1
- 1880  1
- 1900  1
- Englisch  209.017
- Französisch  6.518
- Latein  5.461
- Italienisch  588
- Kymrisch  556
- Deutsch  298
- Mehrere Sprachen  117
- Gälisch-Schottisch  43
- Spanisch  42
- Französisch  37
- Portugiesisch  28
- Niederländisch  23
- Dänisch  10
- Manx  10
- Irisch  7
- g c  6
- enk  3
- Schwedisch  3
- Algonkin-Sprachen (Andere)  1
- Mohawk-Sprache  1
- 18th century  30.285
- 1701-1800  1.845
- 1702-1714  1.294
- Revolution, 1775-1783  1.155
- 1727-1760  939
- 1760-1789  934
- Revolution, 1789-1799  929
- 1760-1820  877
- 17th century  769
- 1775-1783  699
- 1789-1820  582
- Anne, 1702-1714  412
- George III, 1760-1820  409
- 1500-1800  386
- 1714-1727  381
- Early modern, 1500-1700  358
- George II, 1727-1760  348
- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775  293
- 1660-1714  262
- 1648-1789  256
- Stuarts, 1603-1714  245
- The Union, 1800  230
- To 1775  223
- George I, 1714-1727  221
- French and Indian War, 1755-1763  209
- William and Mary, 1689-1702  209
- 1714-1760  201
- Union, 1801  194
- 1789-1799  171
- 1775-1865  170
- Union, 1707  154
- 16th century  150
- 1689-1714  146
- Republic, 510-30 B.C  145
- 1789-1815  143
- The Union, 1707  143
- 1688-1815  142
- Rebellion of 1798  139
- 1797-1801  137
- 1660-1688  134
- Puritan Revolution, 1642-1660  133
- Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600  131
- British occupation, 1765-1947  127
- 1517-1648  125
- Empire, 30 B.C.-476 A.D  124
- Louis XIV, 1643-1715  121
- 1648-1715  113
- 1789-1797  108
- 1500-1799  107
- Revolution of 1688  102
- 1765-1947  101
- Henry IV, 1589-1610  98
- Charles II, 1660-1685  97
- Louis XV, 1715-1774  97
- 1689-1702  94
- To 1800  89
- 19th century  87
- Restoration, 1660-1688  87
- Civil War, 1642-1649  82
- Louis XVI, 1774-1793  80
- 1603-1714  78
- Mary Stuart, 1542-1587  76
- To 1603  76
- 1714-1837  75
- 1774-1793  73
- Elizabeth, 1558-1603  65
- Early modern and Elizabethan, 1500-1600  64
- Revolution  64
- Charles I, 1625-1649  62
- Directory, 1795-1799  62
- 1689-1745  61
- Early works to 1800  58
- To 510 B.C  57
- Mary Stuart, 1542-1567  56
- Empire, 30 B.C.-284 A.D  54
- Revolution, 1640  54
- Early church, ca. 30-600  53
- James VI, 1567-1625  51
- 1715-1774  47
- 1508-1797  46
- To 1763 (New France)  46
- 1485-  45
- 1783-1789  44
- To 1789  43
- 1740-1786  42
- Siege, 1756  42
- 1492-1648  40
- Conspiracy of Catiline, 65-62 B.C  39
- Modern period, 1485-  39
- George I, II, 1714-1760  38
- Peter I, 1689-1725  38
- Tudors, 1485-1603  37
- 1492-1559  36
- Republic, 265-30 B.C  36
- 1660-1760  34
- Charles V, 1519-1556  34
- French occupation, 1798-1801  34
- 1648-1714  32
- To 1485  32
- 1485-1603  31
- Great Britain/England/London  144.554
- Ireland//Dublin  19.664
- Great Britain/Scotland/Edinburgh  15.992
- United States/Massachusetts/Boston  4.179
- Great Britain/Scotland/Glasgow  3.163
- Great Britain/England/Oxford  2.924
- France//Paris  2.821
- United States/Pennsylvania/Philadelphia  2.623
- Great Britain/England/Cambridge  1.844
- Great Britain/England/Newcastle upon Tyne  1.290
- Great Britain/England/Bristol  1.228
- United States/New York/New York  1.019
- Great Britain/England/York  913
- Great Britain/England/Bath  910
- Great Britain/England/Birmingham  784
- Great Britain/England/Manchester  553
- Great Britain/England/Salisbury  518
- Netherlands//Amsterdam  517
- Great Britain/England/Norwich  492
- Ireland//Cork  476
- Great Britain/England/Shrewsbury  454
- Ireland//Belfast  445
- Great Britain/England/Exeter  422
- Great Britain/Scotland/Aberdeen  390
- Great Britain/England/Leeds  386
- Great Britain/Scotland/Perth  323
- United States/Connecticut/Hartford  293
- Great Britain/England/Liverpool  290
- United States/Massachusetts/Worcester  286
- Netherlands//The Hague  269
- United States/Connecticut/New London  267
- Great Britain/England/Northampton  249
- Great Britain/England/Chester  245
- Great Britain/England/Canterbury  240
- Great Britain/England/Berwick-upon-Tweed  236
- Great Britain/England/Nottingham  223
- Switzerland//Basel  218
- Great Britain/England/Worcester  207
- Great Britain/England/Gloucester  206
- Great Britain/England/Warrington  199
- Great Britain/England/Coventry  189
- United States/Connecticut/New Haven  187
- Great Britain/Wales/Carmarthen  181
- United States/Rhode Island/Providence  181
- United States/Massachusetts/Newburyport  178
- Great Britain/England/Ipswich  177
- Great Britain/England/Rochester  172
- Great Britain/England/Reading  164
- Great Britain/England/Eton  158
- Germany//Leipzig  149
- India//Calcutta  136
- Ireland//Downpatrick  136
- Great Britain/England/Hull  134
- Great Britain/Scotland/Paisley  131
- Great Britain/Scotland/Falkirk  128
- Great Britain/England/Sheffield  117
- Italy//Livorno  116
- Great Britain/England/  113
- United States/Rhode Island/Newport  113
- United States/Massachusetts/Salem  111
- United States/South Carolina/Charleston  107
- United States/Maryland/Baltimore  106
- United States/New Hampshire/Portsmouth  106
- Great Britain/England/Southampton  102
- United States/New York/Albany  101
- Great Britain/England/Winchester  94
- Great Britain/England/Darlington  85
- Ireland//Limerick  85
- Germany//Hamburg  84
- Great Britain/England/Colchester  83
- Great Britain/England/Sherborne  81
- United States/Pennsylvania/Germantown  79
- Great Britain/Scotland/Dundee  76
- Switzerland//Geneva City  75
- Great Britain/England/Hereford  72
- United States/Connecticut/Norwich  72
- United States/Delaware/Wilmington  72
- United States/New Hampshire/Exeter  72
- Great Britain/England/Lincoln  71
- Great Britain/England/Preston  70
- Great Britain/England/Newark-on-Trent  69
- United States/Pennsylvania/Lancaster  69
- Great Britain/England/King's Lynn  68
- Great Britain/England/Wolverhampton  62
- Great Britain/England/Derby  61
- Great Britain/England/Durham  61
- Great Britain/Scotland/Stirling  61
- Great Britain/England/Twickenham  60
- Germany//Berlin  59
- Great Britain/England/Chelmsford  59
- United States/Maryland/Annapolis  59
- Ireland//Newry  58
- Austria//Vienna  56
- United States/Virginia/Richmond  56
- Belgium//Brussels  55
- Great Britain/England/Whitehaven  55
- Great Britain/England/Ludlow  52
- Great Britain/Scotland/Montrose  51
- Great Britain/England/Aldershot  49
- Great Britain/England/Lewes  48