Early American Imprints I

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Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans (1639-1800) is a comprehensive collection of digitized publications that appeared in North America from 1639-1800. The collection is based on the relevant bibliography by Charles Evans (American Bibliography, vols. 1-16, 1903-1967) and the publisher's microfilm edition. It forms an important source base for all aspects of research on early modern American culture (history, literature, philosophy, theology, etc.). The collection includes over 36,000 titles and more than 2.4 million images.



  1. Mather, Cotton  403
  2. Watts, Isaac  163
  3. Webster, Noah  137
  4. Ames, Nathaniel  122
  5. Mather, Increase  118
  6. Paine, Thomas  109
  7. Whitefield, George  101
  8. Strong, Nehemiah  87
  9. Washington, George  83
  10. Colman, Benjamin  81
  11. Edwards, Jonathan  71
  12. Dilworth, Thomas  69
  13. Franklin, Benjamin  65
  14. Wadsworth, Benjamin  64
  15. Leeds, Titan  60
  16. Smith, William  58
  17. Cobbett, William  57
  18. Doddridge, Philip  55
  19. Chauncy, Charles  54
  20. Dodsley, Robert  54
  21. Rush, Benjamin  54
  22. Low, Nathanael  49
  23. Tennent, Gilbert  49
  24. Willard, Samuel  49
  25. More, Hannah  46
  26. Johnson, R. (Richard)  45
  27. Dickinson, Jonathan  43
  28. Carey, Mathew  42
  29. Priestley, Joseph  42
  30. Defoe, Daniel  41
  31. Prince, Thomas  41
  32. Benezet, Anthony  38
  33. Morse, Jedidiah  37
  34. Backus, Isaac  36
  35. Bunyan, John  36
  36. Macgowan, John  36
  37. Thacher, Peter  36
  38. Daboll, Nathan  35
  39. Foxcroft, Thomas  35
  40. Kotzebue, August von  35
  41. Leacock, John  35
  42. Appleton, Nathaniel  32
  43. Emmons, Nathanael  31
  44. Leeds, Daniel  31
  45. Sewall, Daniel  31
  46. Wesley, John  31
  47. Goldsmith, Oliver  30
  48. Pope, Alexander  30
  49. Bingham, Caleb  29
  50. Hervey, James  29
  51. Keith, George  29
  52. Mather, Samuel  29
  53. Stoddard, Solomon  29
  54. Winchester, Elhanan  29
  55. Byles, Mather  28
  56. Cooper, William  28
  57. Flavel, John  28
  58. Lover of their precious souls  28
  59. Sewall, Joseph  28
  60. Barlow, Joel  27
  61. Barnard, John  27
  62. Hamilton, Alexander  27
  63. Brown, John  26
  64. Croswell, Andrew  26
  65. Gay, Ebenezer  26
  66. Russel, Robert  26
  67. Stearns, Samuel  26
  68. Tappan, David  26
  69. Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope  25
  70. Harper, Robert Goodloe  25
  71. Jerman, John  25
  72. Lathrop, Joseph  25
  73. Rowe, Elizabeth Singer  25
  74. Smith, Josiah  25
  75. Bellamy, Joseph  24
  76. Mayhew, Jonathan  24
  77. Newton, John  24
  78. O'Keeffe, John  24
  79. Pemberton, Ebenezer  24
  80. Watson, Richard  24
  81. Whittemore, Nathaniel  24
  82. Williams, William  24
  83. Berquin, (Arnaud)  23
  84. Bickerstaff, Isaac  23
  85. Davies, Samuel  23
  86. Fenning, Daniel  23
  87. Johnson, Samuel  23
  88. Lord, Benjamin  23
  89. Young, Edward  23
  90. Belknap, Jeremy  22
  91. Dickinson, John  22
  92. Janeway, James  22
  93. Luther, Martin  22
  94. Murray, John  22
  95. Seabury, Samuel  22
  96. Trumbull, John  22
  97. Williams, Solomon  22
  98. Cotton, John  21
  99. Dana, James  21
  100. Freneau, Philip Morin  21


  1. Massachusetts  702
  2. United States Continental Congress  629
  3. United States  514
  4. Massachusetts General Court  483
  5. Rhode Island General Assembly  378
  6. Connecticut  367
  7. Pennsylvania  267
  8. United States Dept. of the Treasury  234
  9. New York (State)  233
  10. Harvard College (1636-1780)  205
  11. New York (State) General Assembly  196
  12. Yale College (1718-1887)  171
  13. Connecticut General Assembly  170
  14. Pennsylvania General Assembly  162
  15. New Jersey Legislature General Assembly  154
  16. Massachusetts General Court House of Representatives  151
  17. New Jersey  151
  18. Pennsylvania Comptroller-General's Office  142
  19. Rhode Island  137
  20. Maryland  133
  21. United States Congress House (5th, 2nd session : 1797-1798).  116
  22. Virginia  113
  23. Maryland General Assembly House of Delegates  109
  24. South Carolina  102
  25. Massachusetts Treasury Office  100
  26. United States Congress House (4th, 1st session : 1795-1796).  99
  27. United States Congress House (6th, 1st session : 1799-1800).  98
  28. Georgia  97
  29. Great Britain Army  93
  30. United States Congress House Committee on Claims  93
  31. United States Dept. of State  91
  32. Pennsylvania General Assembly House of Representatives  88
  33. New Hampshire  83
  34. Virginia General Assembly  81
  35. United States President (1797-1801 : Adams)  80
  36. Virginia General Assembly House of Burgesses  79
  37. New York (Colony) Council  76
  38. Massachusetts Council  74
  39. Massachusetts Governor (1741-1757 : Shirley)  74
  40. North Carolina  73
  41. Boston (Mass.)  72
  42. Great Britain  70
  43. Harvard University  70
  44. United States President (1789-1797 : Washington)  69
  45. Connecticut Governor (1769-1784 : Trumbull)  68
  46. London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends)  67
  47. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends  67
  48. United States Congress House (3rd, 1st session : 1793-1794).  67
  49. Pennsylvania Supreme Executive Council  66
  50. Delaware  65
  51. Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts  62
  52. Vermont  62
  53. Rhode Island College (1764-1804)  60
  54. United States Continental Army  57
  55. Great Britain Parliament  56
  56. United States War Dept  55
  57. Massachusetts Provincial Congress  52
  58. Vermont General Assembly  51
  59. United States Congress House (4th, 2nd session : 1796-1797).  50
  60. Great Britain Sovereign (1760-1820 : George III)  49
  61. Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor (1732-1757 : Phips)  48
  62. Old American Company  48
  63. United States Congress Senate (6th, 1st session : 1799-1800).  44
  64. Massachusetts Governor (1757-1760 : Pownall)  41
  65. Methodist Episcopal Church  41
  66. United States Congress House (2nd, 1st session : 1791-1792).  40
  67. United States Congress House (5th, 3rd session : 1798-1799).  40
  68. Virginia General Assembly House of Delegates  40
  69. New Hampshire House of Representatives  39
  70. New York (State) Legislature Assembly  39
  71. Philadelphia Baptist Association  39
  72. Massachusetts Governor (1760-1770 : Bernard)  38
  73. New Hampshire General Court Senate  38
  74. United States Congress Senate (5th, 2nd session : 1797-1798).  38
  75. Delaware General Assembly House of Representatives  37
  76. Massachusetts Governor (1787-1793 : Hancock)  37
  77. New Hampshire Council  37
  78. United States Congress House (1st, 2nd session : 1790).  37
  79. Episcopal Church  36
  80. New Hampshire General Court House of Representatives  36
  81. New Jersey Legislature Legislative Council (1776-1844)  36
  82. New York (State) Legislature Senate  36
  83. Boston Theatre (Federal Street, Boston, Mass.)  35
  84. Massachusetts Governor (1702-1715 : Dudley)  35
  85. Synod of New York and Philadelphia (1758-1788)  35
  86. Massachusetts Governor (1730-1741 : Belcher)  33
  87. Massachusetts Militia  33
  88. New York (Colony) Governor (1692-1698 : Fletcher)  33
  89. New York (Colony) Governor (1743-1753 : Clinton)  33
  90. Warren Baptist Association  33
  91. United States Congress House (3rd, 2nd session : 1794-1795).  32
  92. Virginia Lieutenant Governor (1727-1749 : Gooch)  32
  93. New Hampshire General Court  31
  94. United States Congress (5th, 2nd session : 1797-1798)  31
  95. United States Congress House (2nd, 2nd session : 1792-1793).  31
  96. Maryland General Assembly Senate  30
  97. United States Board of Treasury  30
  98. American Philosophical Society  29
  99. College of New Jersey (Princeton, N.J.)  27
  100. Connecticut Governor (1754-1766 : Fitch)  27


  1. Mather, Cotton  455
  2. Watts, Isaac  443
  3. Washington, George  230
  4. Mather, Increase  210
  5. West, Benjamin  197
  6. Webster, Noah  145
  7. Tobler, John  138
  8. Paine, Thomas  133
  9. Whitefield, George  126
  10. Beers, Andrew  125
  11. Ames, Nathaniel  123
  12. Franklin, Benjamin  119
  13. Daboll, Nathan  112
  14. Colman, Benjamin  110
  15. Strong, Nehemiah  104
  16. Hutchins, John Nathan  99
  17. Smith, William  99
  18. Rittenhouse, David  95
  19. Barlow, Joel  89
  20. Low, Nathanael  89
  21. Cobbett, William  84
  22. Saunders, Richard  84
  23. Prince, Thomas  83
  24. Rush, Benjamin  82
  25. Edwards, Jonathan  81
  26. Shirley, William  78
  27. George  77
  28. Wadsworth, Benjamin  77
  29. Trumbull, Jonathan  76
  30. Adams, John  75
  31. Luther, Martin  71
  32. Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope  69
  33. Dilworth, Thomas  69
  34. Chauncy, Charles  67
  35. Hancock, John  64
  36. Dodsley, Robert  63
  37. Hill, Samuel  63
  38. Thomas, Isaiah  61
  39. Dickinson, John  60
  40. Doddridge, Philip  60
  41. Leeds, Titan  60
  42. Willard, Samuel  58
  43. Wesley, John  57
  44. Hamilton, Alexander  56
  45. Carey, Mathew  55
  46. Tennent, Gilbert  55
  47. Defoe, Daniel  54
  48. Doolittle, Amos  54
  49. Foxcroft, Thomas  54
  50. Johnson, R. (Richard)  54
  51. Benezet, Anthony  53
  52. Adams, Samuel  52
  53. Clinton, George  52
  54. Jefferson, Thomas  52
  55. More, Hannah  49
  56. Phips, Spencer  49
  57. Dudley, Joseph  48
  58. Pownall, Thomas  48
  59. Bernard, Francis  47
  60. Stearns, Samuel  46
  61. Cooper, William  45
  62. Priestley, Joseph  45
  63. Tate, Nahum  45
  64. Thacher, Peter  45
  65. Brady, Nicholas  44
  66. Dickinson, Jonathan  44
  67. Belcher, Jonathan  43
  68. Byles, Mather  43
  69. Pickering, Timothy  43
  70. Scoles, John  43
  71. Waring, William  43
  72. Sewall, Joseph  42
  73. Shoemaker, Abraham  42
  74. Stiles, Ezra  42
  75. Carleton, Osgood  41
  76. Goldsmith, Oliver  41
  77. Macgowan, John  41
  78. Bunyan, John  40
  79. Jay, John  40
  80. Johnson, Samuel  40
  81. Judd, Eben W. (Eben Warner)  40
  82. Morse, Jedidiah  40
  83. Pope, Alexander  40
  84. Workman, Benjamin  40
  85. Appleton, Nathaniel  39
  86. Brown, John  39
  87. Backus, Isaac  38
  88. Hill, John  38
  89. Howe, William Howe  38
  90. Leacock, John  38
  91. Cotton, John  37
  92. Norman, John  37
  93. Kotzebue, August von  36
  94. Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin  36
  95. Pemberton, Ebenezer  35
  96. Sharp, Joshua  35
  97. Andrews, William  34
  98. Belknap, Jeremy  33
  99. Emmons, Nathanael  33
  100. Fletcher, Benjamin  33


  1. Philadelphia  7.400
  2. Boston  6.220
  3. New-York  1.712
  4. New York  1.439
  5. [Boston]  875
  6. [Philadelphia]  866
  7. Hartford  766
  8. [New York]  656
  9. Providence  544
  10. New-London [Conn.]  480
  11. Annapolis  424
  12. New-Haven  409
  13. Baltimore  408
  14. Richmond  313
  15. Printed at Boston  300
  16. Boston?  255
  17. Boston N.E  253
  18. Wilmington [Del.]  251
  19. Philadelphia?  246
  20. Trenton  232
  21. Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts  230
  22. Newport, R.I  225
  23. Norwich [Conn.]  223
  24. United States  220
  25. Newport [R.I.]  209
  26. Albany  205
  27. Boston in New-England  203
  28. Boston, N.E  200
  29. Williamsburg [Va.]  189
  30. Boston, New-England  184
  31. Williamsburg, Va  157
  32. Charleston [S.C.]  150
  33. [Providence]  148
  34. N. London [i.e., New London, Conn.]  142
  35. Lancaster [Pa.]  139
  36. Germantown [Pa.]  137
  37. Salem [Mass.]  132
  38. Boston in N.E  127
  39. New Haven  127
  40. Portsmouth [N.H.]  119
  41. Cambridge [Mass.]  114
  42. New London, Conn  107
  43. Newburyport [Mass.]  102
  44. Savannah  98
  45. Watertown, Mass  96
  46. Portsmouth, N.H  92
  47. Charleston, S.C  91
  48. New York?  89
  49. [New Haven]  87
  50. Cambridge, Mass  85
  51. Boston; New-England  83
  52. Burlington [N.J.]  80
  53. [New London, Conn.]  80
  54. New Bern, N.C  73
  55. [Newburyport, Mass.]  73
  56. Exeter [N.H.]  72
  57. Germantaun [Pa.]  62
  58. [Newport, R.I.]  61
  59. Boston, in N.E  59
  60. Printed at Exeter [N.H.]  59
  61. [Albany]  59
  62. [Salem, Mass.]  58
  63. Providence?  57
  64. Newport, Rhode-Island  56
  65. Germanton [Pa.]  54
  66. Windsor [Vt.]  54
  67. [Portsmouth, N.H.]  54
  68. Charlestown [S.C.]  52
  69. Exeter, N.H  51
  70. [Hartford]  51
  71. Portsmouth, New-Hampshire  50
  72. Bennington [Vt.]  49
  73. Hartford?  49
  74. Printed at Providence  48
  75. Salem, Mass  48
  76. Newbury-Port [Mass.]  47
  77. Worcester [Mass.]  47
  78. Ephrata [Pa.]  44
  79. Newbern [N.C.]  44
  80. Printed at Worcester [Mass.]  44
  81. Middletown [Conn.]  43
  82. Elizabeth-Town [N.J.]  42
  83. Printed at Newburyport [Mass.]  42
  84. Lexington [Ky.]  41
  85. Woodbridge, in New-Jersey  41
  86. Charles-Town [S.C.]  40
  87. Litchfield [Conn.]  40
  88. Springfield [Mass.]  40
  89. Bostoniæ [Boston]  39
  90. Wilmington, Del  39
  91. Boston New-England  37
  92. Hudson [N.Y.]  37
  93. [Exeter, N.H.]  36
  94. Lancäster [Pa.]  35
  95. A Philadelphie  34
  96. Lancaster, Pa  34
  97. Charlestown [Mass.]  33
  98. Halifax [N.C.]  32
  99. New Haven?  32
  100. New-Brunswick [N.J.]  32


  1. s.n.  3.631
  2. [s.n.]  418
  3. Printed by William Bradford  254
  4. Printed by Childs and Swaine  178
  5. Printed by John Holt  164
  6. Printed by John Carter.  150
  7. Printed by William Ross?  146
  8. Printed by Hudson and Goodwin.  142
  9. Printed by Benjamin Edes  131
  10. Printed by John Dunlap  127
  11. Printed by Samuel Green  124
  12. Printed by Frederick Green  122
  13. Printed by John Dunlap.  114
  14. Printed by John Draper  112
  15. Printed by Bartholomew Green  98
  16. Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine.  93
  17. Printed by John Fenno.  91
  18. Printed by James Parker  83
  19. Printed by Francis Childs?  81
  20. Printed by Timothy Green  80
  21. Printed by John Carter  78
  22. Printed by Thomas and Samuel Green.  78
  23. Printed by Hugh Gaine  72
  24. Printed by Bennett Wheeler.  70
  25. Printed by Hudson & Goodwin.  69
  26. Printed and sold by T. Green,  65
  27. Printed by Isaac Collins, printer to the state.  65
  28. Printed by James Johnston  65
  29. Printed by Elisha Babcock.  64
  30. Printed by Francis Childs  64
  31. Printed by Hall and Sellers.  64
  32. Printed by M.K. Goddard.  64
  33. Printed and sold by T. Green.  60
  34. Printed by James Davis  57
  35. Printed by Samuel Hall, no. 53, Cornhill, Boston.  56
  36. Printed for the author.  54
  37. Printed by James Franklin  53
  38. Printed and sold by B. Franklin, at the new-printing-office, near the market.  52
  39. Printed by Ann and James Franklin  51
  40. Printed by William Parks  51
  41. Printed by B. Green.  49
  42. Printed by Manning & Loring.  48
  43. Printed by Frederick Green, printer to the state.  46
  44. Printed by Andrew Bradford  45
  45. Printed by Samuel Green.  45
  46. Printed by David C. Claypoole  43
  47. Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine  43
  48. Printed by Isaac Collins  42
  49. Printed by John Draper, printer to His Excellency the governour and Council.  42
  50. Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-Street.  42
  51. Printed by William Hunter  42
  52. Printed by William Weyman  42
  53. Printed and sold by Samuel Hall, no. 53, Cornhill.  41
  54. Printed by Childs and Swaine.  41
  55. Printed by Thomas and Samuel Green  40
  56. by Leonard Worcester.  40
  57. Printed by Francis Bailey.  38
  58. Printed by Benjamin Franklin  37
  59. Printed and sold by B. Franklin, and D. Hall.  36
  60. Printed by John Babcock.  36
  61. Printed by T. and S. Green.  36
  62. Printed by Thomas and John Fleet,  36
  63. Printed by Adams and Nourse  35
  64. Printed by James Adams  35
  65. Printed by B. Green, printer to His Excellency the governour and Council.  34
  66. Printed by J. Carter.  34
  67. Printed by Solomon Southwick  34
  68. Printed by Hudson and Goodwin  33
  69. Printed by Edes and Gill  32
  70. Printed by James Humphreys, Junr.  32
  71. Printed by Samuel Hall  32
  72. Printed by Timothy Green, printer to the governor and Company.  32
  73. Printed by Carter and Wilkinson.  31
  74. Printed by Francis Bailey  31
  75. Printed by Peter Timothy,  31
  76. Printed and sold by B. Franklin, at the new printing-office near the market.  30
  77. Printed by Isaac Collins.  30
  78. Printed by Samuel Loudon.  30
  79. Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur,  29
  80. Printed and sold by B. Franklin.  29
  81. Printed by John Melcher, printer to the state,  29
  82. Printed by William Goddard  29
  83. Printed by Young and Minns  29
  84. Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine?  28
  85. Printed by James Rivington  28
  86. Printed by John Foster  28
  87. Printed by John Peter Zenger  28
  88. Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-Street, between Second and Third-Streets.  28
  89. Printed by T. Green.  28
  90. Printed by William and Thomas Bradford  28
  91. Printed and sold by Isaac Collins.  27
  92. Printed and sold by James Adams.  27
  93. Printed and sold by John Mycall.  27
  94. Printed by David C. Claypoole, printer to the Honorable the Congress.  27
  95. Printed by T. & J. Swords, no. 99 Pearl-Street.  27
  96. Printed by Zechariah Fowle  27
  97. Printed for Mathew Carey, no. 118, Market-Street.  27
  98. Printed & sold by T. Green,  26
  99. Printed and sold by Rogers and Fowle in Queen-Street.  26
  100. Printed by Isaiah Thomas  26


  1. 1640  1
  2. 1643  1
  3. 1645  2
  4. 1646  2
  5. 1647  2
  6. 1648  2
  7. 1649  2
  8. 1651  1
  9. 1652  1
  10. 1653  3
  11. 1654  1
  12. 1655  3
  13. 1656  4
  14. 1657  3
  15. 1658  2
  16. 1659  6
  17. 1660  5
  18. 1661  2
  19. 1662  2
  20. 1663  9
  21. 1664  10
  22. 1665  8
  23. 1666  6
  24. 1667  3
  25. 1668  13
  26. 1669  11
  27. 1670  11
  28. 1671  6
  29. 1672  8
  30. 1673  13
  31. 1674  15
  32. 1675  13
  33. 1676  24
  34. 1677  15
  35. 1678  21
  36. 1679  18
  37. 1680  16
  38. 1681  10
  39. 1682  27
  40. 1683  14
  41. 1684  22
  42. 1685  22
  43. 1686  29
  44. 1687  12
  45. 1688  12
  46. 1689  50
  47. 1690  29
  48. 1691  28
  49. 1692  49
  50. 1693  55
  51. 1694  28
  52. 1695  28
  53. 1696  36
  54. 1697  35
  55. 1698  45
  56. 1699  61
  57. 1700  66
  58. 1701  64
  59. 1702  69
  60. 1703  47
  61. 1704  56
  62. 1705  50
  63. 1706  41
  64. 1707  57
  65. 1708  46
  66. 1709  64
  67. 1710  64
  68. 1711  54
  69. 1712  69
  70. 1713  76
  71. 1714  73
  72. 1715  90
  73. 1716  65
  74. 1717  85
  75. 1718  75
  76. 1719  78
  77. 1720  107
  78. 1721  105
  79. 1722  92
  80. 1723  95
  81. 1724  88
  82. 1725  119
  83. 1726  114
  84. 1727  142
  85. 1728  147
  86. 1729  122
  87. 1730  112
  88. 1731  112
  89. 1732  107
  90. 1733  121
  91. 1734  103
  92. 1735  92
  93. 1736  119
  94. 1737  85
  95. 1738  110
  96. 1739  117
  97. 1740  168
  98. 1741  188
  99. 1742  209
  100. 1743  178
  101. 1744  174
  102. 1745  173
  103. 1746  142
  104. 1747  149
  105. 1748  169
  106. 1749  145
  107. 1750  148
  108. 1751  157
  109. 1752  135
  110. 1753  160
  111. 1754  196
  112. 1755  265
  113. 1756  220
  114. 1757  243
  115. 1758  221
  116. 1759  237
  117. 1760  258
  118. 1761  231
  119. 1762  241
  120. 1763  264
  121. 1764  344
  122. 1765  320
  123. 1766  294
  124. 1767  274
  125. 1768  361
  126. 1769  427
  127. 1770  453
  128. 1771  370
  129. 1772  338
  130. 1773  512
  131. 1774  730
  132. 1775  904
  133. 1776  658
  134. 1777  546
  135. 1778  515
  136. 1779  517
  137. 1780  435
  138. 1781  421
  139. 1782  412
  140. 1783  539
  141. 1784  534
  142. 1785  549
  143. 1786  601
  144. 1787  651
  145. 1788  656
  146. 1789  714
  147. 1790  914
  148. 1791  858
  149. 1792  1.013
  150. 1793  1.117
  151. 1794  1.460
  152. 1795  1.450
  153. 1796  1.510
  154. 1797  1.281
  155. 1798  1.548
  156. 1799  1.314
  157. 1800  1.898
  158. 1801  15
  159. 1802  6
  160. 1803  4
  161. 1804  2
  162. 1805  3
  163. 1807  6
  164. 1809  3
  165. 1810  16
  166. 1811  1
  167. 1812  1
  168. 1815  3
  169. 1817  1
  170. 1820  2
  171. 1828  1
  172. 1830  3
  173. 1835  1
  174. 1843  1
  175. 1859  1
  176. 1880  1


  1. Revolution, 1775-1783  2.330
  2. To 1775  737
  3. 1775-1865  626
  4. 1775-1783  473
  5. 18th century  311
  6. French and Indian War, 1755-1763  303
  7. Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775  274
  8. 1797-1801  245
  9. Revolution, 1789-1799  196
  10. 1789-1797  181
  11. To 1898  127
  12. King George's War, 1744-1748  82
  13. 1783-1789  81
  14. 1760-1789  77
  15. Queen Anne's War, 1702-1713  50
  16. To 1789  50
  17. 1789-1815  48
  18. 1760-1820  36
  19. King William's War, 1689-1697  35
  20. Siege, 1775-1776  33
  21. To 1791  32
  22. To 1803  32
  23. To 1865  32
  24. 1789-1809  31
  25. 1789-1801  30
  26. 17th century  29
  27. To 1763 (New France)  28
  28. Siege, 1745  27
  29. 1600-1750  26
  30. 1789-1820  24
  31. 1790-1794  23
  32. 1783-1815  21
  33. 1783-1809  19
  34. 1789-1799  19
  35. George III, 1760-1820  19
  36. 1792-1865  15
  37. George II, 1727-1760  15
  38. Siege, 1781  14
  39. 1740-1789  13
  40. Revolution of 1688  12
  41. Siege, 1758  11
  42. Revolution, 1791-1804  10
  43. 1689-1702  9
  44. Constitutional period, 1789-1809  9
  45. To 1795  9
  46. 1755-1763  8
  47. Siege, 1780  8
  48. To 1792  8
  49. 1516-1830  7
  50. 1660-1688  7
  51. 1727-1760  7
  52. 1769  7
  53. 1787-1865  7
  54. New Plymouth, 1620-1691  7
  55. Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600  7
  56. 1774-1793  6
  57. 1800  6
  58. To 1950  6
  59. William and Mary, 1689-1702  6
  60. 1714-1727  5
  61. 1750-1815  5
  62. Siege, 1762  5
  63. Tripolitan War, 1801-1805  5
  64. 1517-1882  4
  65. 1763-1867  4
  66. 1789  4
  67. Regulator Insurrection, 1766-1771  4
  68. Siege, 1793  4
  69. Stuarts, 1603-1714  4
  70. To 1806  4
  71. To 1821  4
  72. 1032-1499  3
  73. 1763-1791  3
  74. 1783-1865  3
  75. 1791-1804  3
  76. French occupation, 1798-1801  3
  77. Helvetic Republic, 1798-1803  3
  78. Rebellion of 1798  3
  79. Siege, 1779  3
  80. To 1763  3
  81. To 1844  3
  82. To 1878  3
  83. 1492-1648  2
  84. 1648-1789  2
  85. 1680  2
  86. 1702-1714  2
  87. 1714-1760  2
  88. 1714-1837  2
  89. 1740  2
  90. 1796  2
  91. 19th century  2
  92. Anne, 1702-1714  2
  93. Capture, 1775  2
  94. Charles I, 1625-1649  2
  95. Charles V, 1519-1556  2
  96. Confederation, 1783-1789  2
  97. Conspiracy of 1741  2
  98. George I, 1714-1727  2
  99. Invasion, 1779  2
  100. Louis XV, 1715-1774  2


  1. United States/Massachusetts/Boston  9.550
  2. United States/Pennsylvania/Philadelphia  8.975
  3. United States/New York/New York  4.208
  4. United States/Connecticut/New London  969
  5. United States/Rhode Island/Providence  928
  6. United States/Connecticut/Hartford  921
  7. United States/Connecticut/New Haven  720
  8. United States/Rhode Island/Newport  633
  9. United States/Massachusetts/Worcester  627
  10. United States/Maryland/Baltimore  580
  11. United States/New Hampshire/Portsmouth  492
  12. United States/South Carolina/Charleston  480
  13. United States/Maryland/Annapolis  453
  14. United States/New York/Albany  381
  15. United States/Massachusetts/Newburyport  378
  16. United States/Virginia/Williamsburg  374
  17. United States/Virginia/Richmond  350
  18. United States/Delaware/Wilmington  334
  19. United States/Massachusetts/Salem  317
  20. United States/Pennsylvania/Germantown  316
  21. United States/Connecticut/Norwich  300
  22. United States//  284
  23. United States/New Hampshire/Exeter  281
  24. United States/Pennsylvania/Lancaster  280
  25. United States/Massachusetts/Cambridge  262
  26. United States/New Jersey/Trenton  251
  27. United States/Vermont/Windsor  139
  28. United States/Vermont/Bennington  138
  29. United States/Georgia/Savannah  135
  30. United States/North Carolina/New Bern  131
  31. United States/Massachusetts/Watertown  121
  32. United States/New Jersey/Burlington  116
  33. United States/Connecticut/Litchfield  93
  34. United States/New Jersey/Elizabeth  91
  35. United States/New Jersey/Elizabethtown  91
  36. United States/Maine/Portland  86
  37. United States/Massachusetts/Springfield  84
  38. United States/Pennsylvania/Ephrata  79
  39. United States/New Jersey/Woodbridge  78
  40. United States/Kentucky/Lexington  76
  41. United States/New York/Poughkeepsie  71
  42. United States/New Hampshire/Concord  70
  43. United States/New Hampshire/Walpole  69
  44. United States/New York/Hudson  68
  45. England//London  64
  46. United States/Massachusetts/Charlestown  64
  47. United States/Massachusetts/Leominster  63
  48. United States/Massachusetts/Northampton  62
  49. United States/Rhode Island/Warren  61
  50. United States/New Jersey/Newark  59
  51. United States/Vermont/Rutland  59
  52. United States/New Hampshire/Dover  58
  53. United States/New Hampshire/Hanover  57
  54. United States/Massachusetts/Stockbridge  53
  55. United States/Connecticut/Danbury  51
  56. United States/Connecticut/Middletown  49
  57. United States/New York/Fishkill  48
  58. United States/North Carolina/Halifax  48
  59. United States/Pennsylvania/York  48
  60. United States/Connecticut/  47
  61. United States/Connecticut/Windham  47
  62. United States/New Hampshire/Amherst  47
  63. United States/Georgia/Augusta  43
  64. United States/New Jersey/New Brunswick  43
  65. United States/Massachusetts/Greenfield  41
  66. United States/New York/Lansingburgh  41
  67. United States/Pennsylvania/Carlisle  40
  68. United States/North Carolina/Edenton  39
  69. United States/District of Columbia/Washington  38
  70. United States/Massachusetts/  38
  71. United States/Massachusetts/New Bedford  38
  72. United States/Virginia/Alexandria  38
  73. United States/Louisiana/New Orleans  37
  74. United States/New Hampshire/Keene  36
  75. United States/Maryland/Frederick  34
  76. United States/Maryland/Fredericktown  34
  77. United States/Pennsylvania/  34
  78. United States/Massachusetts/Brookfield  33
  79. United States/Pennsylvania/Reading  32
  80. United States/Massachusetts/Dedham  27
  81. United States/Connecticut/Suffield  26
  82. United States/Massachusetts/Haverhill  26
  83. United States/Maine/Hallowell  25
  84. United States/District of Columbia/Alexandria  24
  85. United States/Kentucky/Frankfort  24
  86. United States/Massachusetts/Danvers  24
  87. United States/Massachusetts/Wrentham  23
  88. United States/New York/Catskill  23
  89. United States/Connecticut/Newfield  22
  90. United States/Pennsylvania/Chestnut Hill  22
  91. United States/District of Columbia/Georgetown  21
  92. United States/Maryland/Hagerstown  21
  93. United States/New York/Troy  21
  94. United States/Virginia/Petersburg  21
  95. United States/Pennsylvania/Washington  20
  96. United States/Vermont/Westminster  20
  97. United States/Massachusetts/Pittsfield  19
  98. United States/Pennsylvania/Harrisburg  19
  99. United States/Vermont/Dresden  19
  100. United States/Connecticut/Cheshire  18
  1. lock